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F6 Typhoon Owners Question


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No, not at all.

If people want to be so precious about their FPV's that's fine. I have spent years in the rex club and nobody gave a rats clacker about people doing up their rex like a STI. Quite the contrary, they were happy that people tried to be doing up their cars like an STI, never effected anyones values and no one was anywhere near as anal as your all being.

If it I was trying to do up my C180 like an AMG Mercedes then manybe I could understand all the fuss, but seriously guys. :roflmbo:

BTW, Have got a chassis number of a not so precious owner and will be getting some badges next week. :crybaby:

Thanks anyway


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Nice first post. Nice and subtle :spit:

BTW :welcome2:

Thanks buf-phoon,

thought I'd ease my way into the conversation :roflmbo:

I just though it was funny to read the big load of crap ("don't hate me I make the kits") speech.

Just a load of Toss

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You might read many things that you do not agree with on this site. This does not give you the right to write about your opinion and attack someone personally. If you do not have something constructive to say the do not write it.

You can have a different opinion, just so not get personal and call people names just because you do not agree.

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For a start I am in the business of making body kits for these cars and my business is selling to people all over the country that are more than happy to "Tranny" up their cars. I need to show people what can be done with our product and what better way to do it than to dress up a T exactly like a Typhoon.

I actually feel sorry for you Typhoon owners who basically own $60,000 taxis that WILL depreciate a lot more than our T's will :spoton: and if I can show some one out there the before and after then they will be happy to dress up their car to look like the $60,000 version.

I have spent my last 10 years in STI's and a 350Z so I know all about depreciation. that's why I have settled for a taxi for the time being and want to show people how they can make their basic Falcons look even hotter.

We get PLENTY of people wanting to buy our body parts who have had a prang and have gone to buy an XR bar for $800 and the thought why would I do that when I can buy a GT or Typhoon bar for $600.

I am sure someone out there is willing to help me out and I just hope I might find that person on this "friendly" forum.

This is a daily driver used for business. My real car is a Datsun 240Z that has a GTR engine with 500hp and weighs 900KG. Hello 10 sec 1/4. :spoton:

Hope some one can help. :spoton:

I was going to give u my VIN .But u hurt my feelings MY car a TAXI.I bet you would have 1 in a heart beat if u could.CHEERS
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Do what you want to your car....we are all individuals.

In my opinion, if someone was looking at a heap of cars in a car yard and there were 5 XR6T's @ $30k, a F6 @ $55k and a Tranny XR6T that looked identical to an F6 for $30k (even though it wasn't), I recon the tranny would sell the quickest.

Who cares if it's not real, people on the street don't look that hard anyway.

I have been looking at an F6 lately and just can't justify the $60k price tag for a upgraded taxi with $hit service from Ford.


PS. Going out to look at an F6 tomorrow so may change my view on this shortly!



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