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F6 Typhoon Owners Question


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Say NO to trannys. If you want to own something that looks like an F6 go out and buy one.

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Nuh. :fool:

I can get you some SS badges though?? How about some stripes?? :blush:  :w00t2:

I have a taxi with an F6 badge on it anyway.


I sure loved the taxi ride from FIST to FIST, as did every one else who was luck enough to have one :msm:

I thought it was a yellow plane :blush: not a taxi

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I am not paying anything for the kit. My car is purely an example to people that want to Tranny up their cars that they CAN make it look like the real thing if they want to spend the money. I am not in any way saying that I would think that trannying up a T or XT makes it the real thing, but there are MANY people out there who want to do that to their cars.

We also have many REAL GT and Phoon owners buying our parts as Ford want to sting them so much for replacing a bumber that is not worth going through insurance and paying the excess and also loosing your no claim bonus.

The fact is, you might not like TRANNY's or people that make the parts to put on these cars but the fact is, you might need us one day to get you out of a jam. OR, feel free to pay Mr Ford for his original & VERY expensive part. Ours are a direct copy and you can't tell the difference once on the car.


Edited by zedman
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Do what you want to your car....we are all individuals.

In my opinion, if someone was looking at a heap of cars in a car yard and there were 5 XR6T's @ $30k, a F6 @ $55k and a Tranny XR6T that looked identical to an F6 for $30k (even though it wasn't), I recon the tranny would sell the quickest.

Who cares if it's not real, people on the street don't look that hard anyway.

I have been looking at an F6 lately and just can't justify the $60k price tag for a upgraded taxi with $hit service from Ford.


PS. Going out to look at an F6 tomorrow so may change my view on this shortly!


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I remember when I was about 13 I glued a 4.2L badge on the back of my dads 202 Kingswood.

Now 25 years later I am ripping all the performance badges off.

When I was 17 I had a big body kit and no performance engine.

Now I have a couple of 500+rwhp engined cars and no body kit.

Its weird

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Like it or not, the F6/XR6t is a cult car now and as the BA's are getting dirt cheap, youngsters are gonna buy them and start turning them into F6 lookalikes

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They are.

I have been in the NSW WRX Club since it started in 1997 and the XR6 Turbo is now converting a`lot of WREX owners to them. They are great value for money and I never thought I would be buying a Ford and now, well I have and couldnt be happier. I might even buy an F6 one day and then I would be a real convert. Just not on my bugeting plan right now, but maybe one day. But for now a Tranny it is and it will look great and I will be happy with it

Each to their own.


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