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Ford Service Center Strikes Again


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  • Member For: 19y 8m 27d
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I thought I would never say this but I am regretting buying a ford. The car itself has had no problems its when u come to to get a little warrenty work or your car serviced. It all started on moday when I took my car into get its 30k service. First off they wanted $360 for the service and when I told them I had the 15k service from another dealer they said the best they could do it for is $300. Well why didnt they give it to me at that price in the first place :roflmbo: . I though fair enough it just 5 minutes from my work so ok.

I took it there in the morning and on the drive over there it had a knocking noise from under the car which I told them about, they said ok they will look at it, left my keys there and went to work. they called me about 12 and said they havent found anything major but one of the hose has a split so I told them to fix it. Went to pick my car up at about 4pm and the bill was for $350, mus have been a expensive part I though, and then he told me the they had to tighten the front suspension and they is not covered under warrenty. WTF?? I agrued for a bit but could see it was not going anywhere and paid the bill and left.

First thing I notice is they stereo is turn off so I turn it back on for the drive to work and notice there is no bass. hmm Once I get home from work I check all the wire and amps and all they normal stuff as to why the sub is not working and its all good. I hooked another speaker up and it worked OK. I go to push on the front of the sub and it it rock solid doesn't even move 1mm. f*ck me they blew up my sub. I call them the next day and they deny it saying its a rule that they never turn up customers stereo bull :spoton: . I took it to the place that installed the stereo and they take on look at it a say it f*cked someone has cranked the sh*t out of it and siezed the voice coil. FFS What kind of company lets the mechanics crank the sh*t out of customers stereos, blow speakers, and then deny it.

Im going to ring them again today and let them have it hopefully, I can get it sorted out


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  • Member For: 21y 6m 7d
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I must say I have been hearing a fair bit of bad service from ford recently. And having to pay for the front suspension is a joke.

I think you have a case with the sub thing. do you have any one who can vouch that the sub was working fine prior to taking it to ford.

Sorry to hear about it though but is seems this is starting to occur more often

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Hey Scotty, $300 for a 30k service is very steep. You should have hit Centre Ford with the oil and filter, they would have done it for a hair over $100.

Regarding the knocking, if that's the low speed knock the odds are it was/is the power steering rack issue for which a TSB exists. I don't think I have ever heard anyone on here mention front end knock that wasn't related to the power steering rack.

Did you ask for the faulty hose back as well (if for nothing else, for the examination)? After all, it is yours. :)

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Hey Scotty, $300 for a 30k service is very steep.  You should have hit Centre Ford with the oil and filter, they would have done it for a hair over $100.

Regarding the knocking, if that's the low speed knock the odds are it was/is the power steering rack issue for which a TSB exists.  I don't think I have ever heard anyone on here mention front end knock that wasn't related to the power steering rack.

Did you ask for the faulty hose back as well (if for nothing else, for the examination)?  After all, it is yours. :)

I rang Centre Ford for a quote before we got the service and they said $325 for the 30k service.

Also I think we have a winner (McInerny Ford Belmont) for the most expensive labour charge per hour. Based on the service time as per the service book of 48 minutes for the A service plus another 54 minutes cause its a turbo, the labour charge of $196 inc GST works out to be $115 per hour (and that's without the additional $39 labour charge for changing the hose and tightening the suspension). Also, our service sheet says they rotated the tyres but they advised us they didn't cause they only do it for the 18" wheels.

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 7d
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  • Location: Southern Highlands NSW
Hey Scotty, $300 for a 30k service is very steep.  You should have hit Centre Ford with the oil and filter, they would have done it for a hair over $100.

Regarding the knocking, if that's the low speed knock the odds are it was/is the power steering rack issue for which a TSB exists.  I don't think I have ever heard anyone on here mention front end knock that wasn't related to the power steering rack.

Did you ask for the faulty hose back as well (if for nothing else, for the examination)?  After all, it is yours. :)

I rang Centre Ford for a quote before we got the service and they said $325 for the 30k service.

Also I think we have a winner (McInerny Ford Belmont) for the most expensive labour charge per hour. Based on the service time as per the service book of 48 minutes for the A service plus another 54 minutes cause its a turbo, the labour charge of $196 inc GST works out to be $115 per hour (and that's without the additional $39 labour charge for changing the hose and tightening the suspension). Also, our service sheet says they rotated the tyres but they advised us they didn't cause they only do it for the 18" wheels.

And I bet the pr!cks still charged :roflmbo:

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I have never dealt with any dealer service department (regardless of brand) that wasn't useless. That's why I never, ever use them for servicing, just waranty work. They over book jobs, way overcharge, use junk oils and use apprentices to do the work to save money. The licenced mechanic is supposed to check and sign off the apprentice's work, but because they are over booked, the job is usually just signed off.

I had the tighten suspension issue with my AUII. It was making a front end knock over bumps and braking, took it to a dealer for waranty work, took them 3 visits to find it, then wanted to charge for tightening the suspension as it's not covered under waranty. They tried to say that if I'de used their servicing it would be covered as it's a normal thing for them to check, but they couldn't explain whit if it was so normal, it took them 3 attempts to fix it.

This is my 4th Falcon and after the 1st one I found the experience much more pleasant to either service it myself or take it to a real mechanic, rather than let an apprentice use it for practice.

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  • Member For: 19y 8m 18d
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sorry to hear of your woes..

im not sure where you can go because EVERY dealer south of the river sucks the big one..

tightening suspension is most definatly a warranty issue.

if the dealer principle is in charge of the service department too then I'd be going straight to him/her..

it seems to be the only way to get anythng done.

mine also clicks at the front and im sure it is the steering, and there is a TSB for that.

stick it to em mate

Edited by XR06T
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  • Member For: 21y 6m 7d
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  • Location: Southern Highlands NSW

yeah one of the guys might be able to pm you a copy of the TSB on the steering creak. Wave that under the Service depatrment noses ans see how they like it

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