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Gtr Vid At Stupid Speeds.


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I have driven at that speed on a race track at an airbase, and it was fun, would recommend it to anyone!

However.. the cars that I passed were sitting minimum 160 km, and wernt changing lanes, out of sight etc - and were all willing participants in a race.

That guy is a dick. Any car that changed lanes to pass a car - and it would be goodbye to everyone involved.

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they do the 300+ runs all the time. When I was over there we were doing 140 (flat out) on the freeway when about 12 of them passed us at 300+, our car shook and I near sh*t.

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  • Yaris member
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that's and old vid.. exever...com... what happend to that guy/car?

I know that's not the car in the vid.. but does anybody know what happend to that car? GTR700? the guy got it to like 1300rwkw and then stopped updating the site

P.s the cars that guy passes look like they r standing still :censored:

Edited by SCRIBR
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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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that's and old vid.. exever...com... what happend to that guy/car?

I know that's not the car in the vid.. but does anybody know what happend to that car? GTR700? the guy got it to like 1300rwkw and then stopped updating the site

P.s the cars that guy passes look like they r standing still  :nono:

Mario was going to build the quickest GTR from memory, but had endless dramas one after another.

Others said he wasn't making the power he had to, or he had no idea, and then something happened with the air shifted tranny or something and he spat the dummy.

He was going to run the Jap Drag GTR King over here ( they flew in ) but something happened and it never eventuated.

My memory is very vague, but I tink the attempt was too.

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  • Yaris member
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yeh tahts what happend basically

he was having too many dramas with the shifter company so he just gave it away

he in his last post.. he said he stil might continue.. but that's was like 1.5 years ago.. I checked it about 6 months ago.. but I lost the link.. so no idea if any update now

my guess is there hasnt been though

thanks F6 UTE!

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