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Hi Flow Turbo Installation


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I joined this site cause I was told it was a forum for xr6t enthusiest, no a "my d@#k is bigger then yours". Everyone is learning from others experiences but there is no reason to be harsh about it.

hehe.. you haven't been here long at all have you??

harsh?? it's called honesty, and alot of people should be more honest about there opinions around here, other than sugar coating them as to not lose 'friends'..

But, it's a family site, and our thoughts and publicly viewed opinions have to reflect that..

M6 is doing alright, but he has to accept he can and will learn. ( But he proclaims to be the BEST tuner in WA ) I also am not going to sit back and tell him he's ( or anyone else ) that they are wonderful if I believe they have to look for something..

And then, we take it to the track.......... :blink:

I am open to criticism on my car/tune aswell, I take it on board and accept there is room for improvement..


Street Tuner told me the day you stop learning is the day you've hit a brick wall. Well, that brick wall isn't anywhere in sight, and I keep on learning.

Best Tuner is WA? Nope, there's always someone better. Considering I do this part time as an interest only there'd have to be people who are more competent than me.

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Yeah mate but he is doing things his way. Good luck with it mate.


The track results speak for themselves.

Your right, and I recon when you look at Phils car doing (no nizpro kit)12.0@118 on dunlop tyres with a truck sized cat and dump as you have nicknamed named them(and a stock exhaust)and a set of those dodgy nizpro drilled injectors(according to you) and one of my tunes, hes doing pretty bloody well isnt he.

Yep, he sure is. 12.0 @ 118mph is a good time on Factory Dunlops. It would be good to see how his car goes, and Gregs, Ben's and mine, even yours, on a Fast Friday with a decent track. The track condition on WAW's are fairly ordinary, and quicker times could be have by all..... but until then 11.81 @ 122.6 mph is a fair bit of difference to Phil's et and MPH. You've seen the boost and AFR's I run in my car, and can form your own opinion how I make power and how much is left in Phils. I decended on the Nizpro kit only because I ordered it for the T, but traded it on the F6 before it arrived.

I will highly recommend the truck size dump pipe and cat after having sh!t multiple 3.5" Metalcats.

how did you fark the 3.5" metal cats?? just so that those of running them know what to expect :tease:

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In the interest of fairness, Here is my latest results from 'playing'

I have managed to get juust enough control from the fuel table to adjust the wogs' tune.

I have dropped boost early on, and now I lack the thump that comes with that, but as I say, I'm playing.. I call it my clutch saving tune.. Remember it's a mailbox tune..

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Concentrate on the red line..

No "Astronomical" boost early on, no lean as buggery mixtures, and damn, look how the thing just keeps on climbing to 6000rpm. You need that after half track, I spend ~4 seconds between 5000rpm and 6000rpm, it's VITAL for me to be making power up there.!!

I have not run this tune at the drags, but I should be there Wednesday. It has everything the 11.8 tune had ( roughly the same tune ), but makes 40rwkw more from 4400-6000rpm purely because of the fuel pump and intercooler.

I cannot get boost on earlier ( 3800-4250 ), my clutch will die!!

Adding a plenum, imo would make the whole engine breath easier.

Good to see someone else able to post good data. What turbo are you running now?

Where you need all your power between 5000-6000rpm, I can have my power between 3500-5200rpm. Over 5000rpm it's all done. The advantage of the 6speed auto is the ability to keep shifting gears on demand, and the engine remains in the meat of the torque curve. All this while the converter is locked too.

Good luck on Wednesday. I might bring the car down on the factory Dunlops and see how it runs before I try the MT's.

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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Best Tuner is WA? Nope, there's always someone better. Considering I do this part time as an interest only there'd have to be people who are more competent than me.

Well, you have openly called yourself the best, and openly bag other tuners at the drag strip. ( carefull who you speak to.... )

Part time?? yes, BUT

You are listed under one ( defunct ) tuning shop as there CAPA representative, and SCT tuner??

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Best Tuner is WA? Nope, there's always someone better. Considering I do this part time as an interest only there'd have to be people who are more competent than me.

Well, you have openly called yourself the best, and openly bag other tuners at the drag strip. ( carefull who you speak to.... )

Part time?? yes, BUT

You are listed under one ( defunct ) tuning shop as there CAPA representative, and SCT tuner??

Careful who you hear from. I have my opinions, and state them if asked. So do others (you included).

Sure I'm listed as a dealer. It's the only way to aquire the software. Quicktune wasn't and still isn't available, although I suspect some people probably wish it was.

Don't know what happens when you buy the software 2nd hand as some have.

Edited by M6 XR6T
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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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Good to see someone else able to post good data. What turbo are you running now?

Where you need all your power between 5000-6000rpm, I can have my power between 3500-5200rpm. Over 5000rpm it's all done. The advantage of the 6speed auto is the ability to keep shifting gears on demand, and the engine remains in the meat of the torque curve. All this while the converter is locked too.

Good luck on Wednesday. I might bring the car down on the factory Dunlops and see how it runs before I try the MT's.

I posted up the data, as I'm aware you believe I need to run stupid boost and lean afr's to get my power, and run my times. . I put it up in my 'defense'..

I also don't need all my power between 5000-6000rpm. I just need sustained power up there.. I need bulk down low, combined with up top..

That graph/tune is WIP and is not finished, by any stretch....

Again, good luck Wednesday, I'll be on regular streets aswell..

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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Careful who you hear from. I have my opinions, and state them if asked. So do others (you included).

Sure I'm listed as a dealer. It's the only way to aquire the software.

Blueboost and Eugene have the software, and they aren't listed??

Maybe the criteria changed??

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I joined this site cause I was told it was a forum for xr6t enthusiest, no a "my d@#k is bigger then yours". Everyone is learning from others experiences but there is no reason to be harsh about it.

hehe.. you haven't been here long at all have you??

harsh?? it's called honesty, and alot of people should be more honest about there opinions around here, other than sugar coating them as to not lose 'friends'..

But, it's a family site, and our thoughts and publicly viewed opinions have to reflect that..

M6 is doing alright, but he has to accept he can and will learn. ( But he proclaims to be the BEST tuner in WA ) I also am not going to sit back and tell him he's ( or anyone else ) that they are wonderful if I believe they have to look for something..

And then, we take it to the track.......... :blink:

I am open to criticism on my car/tune aswell, I take it on board and accept there is room for improvement..


Street Tuner told me the day you stop learning is the day you've hit a brick wall. Well, that brick wall isn't anywhere in sight, and I keep on learning.

Best Tuner is WA? Nope, there's always someone better. Considering I do this part time as an interest only there'd have to be people who are more competent than me.

He just needs to realise it's an ongoing thing that you lot cant get along.

BUT and it is a big BUT your interactions with each other whether you like it or not brings out all the good information that may or may not be posted otherwise and makes for an interesting read :spoton:

......until it starts to get narky!! :agent:

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how did you fark the 3.5" metal cats?? just so that those of running them know what to expect :tease:

By running too much exhaust gasses through them. I've managed 328rwkw with 1 3.5" Metalcat, but it almost folded itself inside out within a week. A tell-tale sign is lack of boost at high rpm, and a whistling sound in the exhaust.

I'm not singling out the Metalcats on their own, I've been though 3 SMB 4" cats too. F6 UTE has had a SMB cat failure too.

I looked at a twin 3" ceramic cat setup on a car that's been running 300rwkw for over a year now, and the cats look as good as the day they were installed. Just goes to show sometimes a product isn't as good as it's made out to be (metallic cats).

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