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Which Sub And Amp's? Quality Wise..


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I've read a fair few of the topics and see people talking about poor/low pre-amp out on the preium icc, is this true? If so, obviously you need to crank the amp a whole bunch more to get decent noise but loosing quality at the same time. Is there a way around this? I've just joined the xr6t lifestlye (both forums and carwise, just ask sutty...) and looking for some extra bass (amazing its the fiance who wants the bass). I'm not really keen to add a second head deck, would rather just mod/upgrade the original. I see reference to the alpine vechile hub as well but I wasnt sure if that was just extra inputs/outputs or if it will achieve what I'm after in relation to sub/amp.

Also, any recommednations on would goes well size wise? Are 2 x 10's a better choice than 2 x 12's???? Or is it worth the investment.

Any information would be much appreciated.


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10" subs will have a punchier bass note, where as 12" subs seem to be a bit deeper but still retain punch, whilst 15" subs are more of a longer note with less response time to quicker bass lines

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mate go the 2 x 12's over the 2 x 10's.. you'll find they pack a bit more punch without losing any (noticeable) accuracy.. even 15's tuned in a well sorted box will be just as accurate...

all this providing of course you're not using AutoBarn $70 specials haha

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A cheap sub in a good box will sound 100x better than an expensive sub in a sh*te enclosure. There is so much more to it than "which brand is better".

As for signal quality, you can go the Alpine hub pro, line level converters or install a head unit to have complete control. Have a look in my thread at the top of the audio sub forum, it is an example of a head unit installed in the tissue box space :censored:

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Back in the day I would have told you Rockford Fosgate but since they stopped making them in the US they have turned to  :censored:

Didn't know that, what a shame.

They were a force to be reckoned with a few years ago, im guessing they are made in Taiwan or somewhere now?

I was contemplating a R/F speaker setup in my boat, might look elsewhere now.

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Im looking at putting a set up in boat too. I have a solid earthquake amp I bought years ago that blew a hole in a single voice call JL on half gain that I want to use. A lot of car audio has gone backwards in quality. That why I like to hang on to the old stuff.

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apparently rockford fosgate has moved to china.. with a few other respectable brands to follow :spoton: cheap labour..

I have a JBL Sub in my car and its quality is 2ND 2 NONE! :spoton:

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I've read a fair few of the topics and see people talking about poor/low pre-amp out on the preium icc, is this true?  If so, obviously you need to crank the amp a whole bunch more to get decent noise but loosing quality at the same time.  Is there a way around this?

Also, any recommednations on would goes well size wise? Are 2 x 10's a better choice than 2 x 12's???? Or is it worth the investment.

there are a few ways to solve that problem like the Alpine hub or clarion do a version which I've heard to be good too. The problem for me was there price. That led me to develop my own cheaper/simpler version that has taken me nearly 6 months to get right!

but anyway, I'm doing what I hope to be final testing in my car this weekend and it will get a soak test for my drive to Mildura on Tuesday.

What the box does is take the ICC's 0.4V signal and lift it up to around the 6V mark so you can run your amps on next to zero gain and still have plenty of punch!

the box covers all 5 channels that the ICC can give you.

whats taken me all the time to develop is because I've got the signal running through line isolators to get rid of any ground loops (common in our cars), its then left me with a signal that had lost a bit of its bottom end, so I added circuitry to correct this problem and its been months of playing with it to try and make it have a flat consistent output to give a more natural sound.

as for your 10's or 12's question, all I can say is that I went for 10's in my setup so that I had room to move with the box design to get it right. if you run 12's and put them over the rear axel (where my 10's are now) you will not have much room to adjust the dimensions of your box if at all.

I know goobz has just grabbed a couple of 12" infinity subs but he is sticking them in FG pods on the sides of the boot and the infinity subs are happy to run in a 1CF box so there a good choice.



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