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Nt Speed Limits: 130kms From Jan 07


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Hi all.

This has probably been mentioned in another thread, but in case it hasn't, I've just read that the last bastion of de-restricted speed zones will be no longer from January 2007. Yep, that's it folks.......the Northern Territory is introducing 130kph maximum speed limits across what are currently its de-restricted roads.

So, there we go. Another win for political correctness; for big brother mentality; for money hungry local/state government; for the "nanny state". I've driven on the autobahns in Germany and have witnessed how well open limits can work, if administered and implemented properly. So, Australia's answer: do we teach better driving skills? Nope. Invest in upgrading the roads? Nup. All we do instead is simply scrap the only open space where a good car can have its legs stretched a bit. Fantastic.

Whilst this will no doubt appease the "speed kills" zealots who view anything more powerful than a 25cc 2 stroke scooter as a weapon of mass destruction, it'll do stuff all for road safety IMO. The only casualties out there now will be what they've always been out on those big, flat and straight roads......accidents caused by inattention and people falling asleep at the wheel.

My money will be that sadly, the first fatality post 31 January 2007 out there will be the diesel Volvo with bald tyres towing an overloaded Jayco caravan that careers off the road after the driver falls asleep after doing 90kph for the last 12 hours, rather than somebody in a Typhoon getting it wrong at 190kph or whatever.

Same old story ladies & gents. Slowly, but ever so surely, inch by inch, we're being legislated out of existence.

My humble 20c worth.


Edited by BrentS
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Not that I have driven in the NT, but I wouldnt complaining... all other states have been restricted to 110 for the past 20 odd years. Not that I'm agreeing with it, but I wouldnt whinge about it.

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Bloody oath whinge about it. Having driven on those roads multiple times at speeds over 200km/h, and countless times at speeds over 150km/h. In an well maintained vehicle, it is safe. Drive down the centre hit SA were speeds are 110km/h, and see if you can maitain concentration were it should be, it is dam near imposible, and I felt more vunerable driving in the wide open expanse of SA at 110 km/h than I did in the NT at speeds up to and over 200km/h.

I have to agree, it is a political cop out, in the highest order.


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Bummer for the Cannonball Run people who expect to drive the unlimited speeds next year.

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Bloody oath whinge about it.

Where will it get you?

There is a chance not matter how slim, that this may be reversed by the next elected officials, but only if plenty of whinging is given.


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BUT considering the rest of the country is limited to 110, I SERIOUSLY doubt it.

It's exactly the same as if/when the day comes that radar detectors become illegal in WA, FAT CHANCE of that being overturned.

Why does the NT NEED open speed limits over all other states?

Edited by XXXR6T
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BUT considering the rest of the country is limited to 110, I SERIOUSLY doubt it.

It's exactly the same as if/when the day comes that radar detectors become illegal in WA, FAT CHANCE of that being overturned.

Why does the NT NEED open speed limits over all other states?

I dont mean to be smart, but drive them and you will understand.

Listen in all honesty, I could not put together a solid argument for open speed limits. But the elected officials have definately not put forward a solid argument to reduce the speed limits.

In the time I was up in the NT, drink driving was horrendoes, unroadworthy vehicles, makes QLD and VIC vehicles look like well engineered modern marvels and fatigue. These three were the wort offenders, not speed.

I could take 170km/h maybe 150km/h, but 130km/h is an insult.

The only bright side I can see, is maybe parts of the rest of the country will come on board if 130km/h is succesful, but that is unlikely as speed is not the issue.


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That would be a good idea... I would be happy if they simply increase the WA freeway speeds to 110.

If you look at it this way, you are being forced to drive your car more economically and save on fuel :laughing:

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