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Ba To Be Bf'ed


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As I have mentioned, the upgrade from BA to BF is a major one, and below is a pretty good indicator of what needs to be done to complete the transformation.

OK, here's a list of what I have chosen to be changed as part of the upgrade:

ZF 6 speed trans

BF F6 Tailshaft, with modified centre bearing mount

Custom trans cooler bracket

Addition of thermostat for trans cooler and associated plumbing

Complete engine and trans harness

Addition of 1 Knock Sensor

Addition of 1 HEGO sensor

Complete engine bay harness

ABS modulator unit

4 brake pipes

Change transducer for Power Steering

Complete dash harness

BEM Module

HIM Module

Instrument cluster (BF FPV hi series)

Steering column with BF ignition lock

Door barrel

Glovebox lock and handle

Complete harness for lhs of vehicle

Complete harness for rhs of vehicle

So essentially to do this modification, you will need a damaged vehicle to get all the required bits and pieces, as it otherwise gets very expensive.

I am still happy with my decision to venture out into this mod, and hope my experiences are useful for some unfortunate soul who choose to follow in my footsteps.

Currently I am waiting on some of the wiring and an ABS modulator to proceed, but the Chrissie holidays are not helping me :crybaby:

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  • Member For: 21y 8m 26d

Hey Al, certainly a large project, but one that I personally am looking very forward to seeing you complete!

I'm sure you will be back into it as soon as you get your wiring harness and ABS modulator!

Enjoy the small break you have before everything re-opens! (I know that doesnt help much hehe)



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  • Member For: 22y 4d
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  • Location: Perth, WA

Thanks Ross,

You are right, the wait is killing me :censored:

Hopefully next week I should have all I need, and the car should be complete again, not long after that :beerchug:

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  • Member For: 21y 3m 22d
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Looks to me that your a bit of a pioneer when it comes to this.. Well done mate!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hello again for thos of you reading this thread :spoton:

Well the project is nearing the end, and all modifications are fitted to my car, and power is back on again!

I hope to get the car transported to Ford tomorrow, where it's confusion about what it is can end, by loading all the required programmes into the PCM and other modules attached to it.

I will let you know how it all goes as soon as I know :blink:

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 22y 4d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, WA
OK, here's a list of what I have chosen to be changed as part of the upgrade:

ZF 6 speed trans incl. cooler

Custom trans cooler bracket

BF F6 Tailshaft, with modified centre bearing mount

Drive Flange on Diff changed to BF F6 (still 3.45 diff)

Addition of thermostat for trans cooler and associated plumbing

Complete engine and trans harness

Addition of 1 Knock Sensor

Addition of 1 HEGO sensor

Complete engine bay harness

Complete harness for lhs of vehicle

Complete harness for rhs of vehicle

Complete dash harness

ABS modulator unit

6 new BF brake pipes (front l+r ABS to master + 2 x rear)

BF Master Brake cylinder

Change transducer for Power Steering

BEM Module

HIM Module

Instrument cluster (BF FPV hi series)

Steering column with BF ignition lock

Door barrel

Glovebox lock and handle

BF Alternator + new rear bracket for same

New BF Alternator harness

Above UPDATED :spoton:

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Complete harness for lhs of vehicle

Complete harness for rhs of vehicle

ABS modulator unit

BF Master Brake cylinder

Change transducer for Power Steering

Steering column with BF ignition lock

Door barrel

Glovebox lock and handle

BF Alternator + new rear bracket for same

New BF Alternator harness

Hey mate just a quick question but why do the items I've quoted need to be replaced?

How much was the complete engine bay harness and 2 side harness's?

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