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Just Recieved A Friendly Call From Fmc Engineers


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I have owned my T coming up to one year now, when I first purchased the car (new) the person gave me a marketing doc to fill out & send back.

About one week into owning the car I actually filled out the forms (I was pissed off about the car at the time) & sent them back.

Today I recieve a call from some engineers from Ford asking me about my replies!!!

After letting them know I have owned the car for one year so my answers may have changed slightly we proceeded.

The first engineer wanted to know why I rated the car a 6 on the fuel consumption, to which I replied that going off my fuel usage I should be getting a lot more k's from the tank.

He asked what they could do to rectify the problem, It was suggested that maybe they could increase the fuel tank so I wouldnt have to fill the tank so often. :spoton:

My reply to that was, that would be easier than actually fixing the problem.

The second engineer asked about power & performance. (I rated it another 6)

I didnt really have that much to say about that except for the heat soak you get in summer.

The third engineer (transmission) was the one I went to town on.

I had rated the manual a 3 at the time (probably at the time I still had a chance of my misses driving the manual so I could drink more often).

I just went through the normal problems,

-Hard selection when cold

-long travel from the top of the H to the bottom.

The Fourth engineer was from cooling & heating (6 rating)

I really didnt have too much to say about that either except for I thought the dimister could have been better & there seems to be no happy medium for the air con.

Fifth and final engineer asked about interior & what other changes I would make to the car.

I had a couple of minor changes that I think will show their true colors later in the cars life (I wont be owning it then).

The one thing I forget to mention was the piss poor brakes!!!!

Has any one else recieved a call from the engineers??

What did you rate your car??

sorry about the spelling in advance :Doh:

Edited by TUFXRT6
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why dont the engineers just read this forum and maybe get involved here to improve their product

Because that's too easy... don't you know you have to spend heaps of money to do research...

Stupid pricks...

Jack :spoton:

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Filled out that survey and haven't heard a squeak front them. maybe I should have rated them a bit harder

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I for one think that its a good thing they are calling people and asking for real world opinions so that hopefully they can make there way into the 08 model falcon.

at least here is proof that they do read those forms (even if its 12 months after you send them in) :spoton:

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I forgot to add that I did give this site a little plug.

I meantioned that some people on this here change the oil in the box.

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Didn't hear a peep back from them but maybe it's because I listed the usual complaints ie.


No MP3 player

4 Spd Auto (so 20th Century)

head room (man I'd hate to be over 6' and climbing into one of these)

Still a great car. I'm peeved at the rapid depreciation rate but if I hang onto it then that shouldn't matter

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I received a call, but I wasn't home at the time

(missus took the call) and the buggers never called back! My main gripes were about build quality and fit & finish.

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Didn't hear a peep back from them but maybe it's because I listed the usual complaints ie.


No MP3 player

4 Spd Auto (so 20th Century)

head room (man I'd hate to be over 6' and climbing into one of these)

Still a great car. I'm peeved at the rapid depreciation rate but if I hang onto it then that shouldn't matter

Im 6 foot 6 and have no issues at all.

BTW your seat goes up and down and forward and back :roflmbo:

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