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Premo Sound... Dvd Player?


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Ok I believe this has been covered before... but all the threads get a lil too technical for my liking.... So in lamens terms what do I need (if possible) to make my T play DVD's??? ...BTW I have premo sound....

Is it just a matter of buying a dvd player and hooking it up to the screen... I dont want to watch tv just DVD and have mp3'z

Cheers Mike

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  • Member For: 19y 5m 1d
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there are many ways to do this. but as you don't want this too technical, all I need to ask you is if you have the icc with a colour screen in it or the green screen version??

if its the colour type, im thinking of selling my xbox setup. it plays dvd's, games, MP3's etc, etc.

its totally plug and play and would take you around 1-2 hours to install everything.

let me know if your interested.

As for price, if I was to replicate the setup now the bits would cost around $800 plus alot of time in setting everything up. I would be happy with $500 and all the hard work is already done.

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Where abouts is all your X-box gear mounted? Is it in the boot or visible in the cabin?

If Mika isn't interested I'll take it off your hands. I've been thinking about a DVD setup aswell

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Where abouts is all your X-box gear mounted? Is it in the boot or visible in the cabin?

If Mika isn't interested I'll take it off your hands. I've been thinking about a DVD setup aswell

the only way you can tell the car has the xbox in it is when you pop the boot (see pic).

please PM me if you want more info as I was just offering the xbox as a solution to the original post and don't want to hijack the thread.


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  • Member For: 22y 2m 25d
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Depending on the type of output from the DVD player you may need to also purchase a convertor that plugs in between your ICC and DVD Player to convert the signal from S Video (DVD) to RGB (ICC)

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 12d
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  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Nah shockf6 not really interested in an xbox.. thxx for the offer neway... I dont even use mine as it is plus I was thinkking of putting the dvd player in the glovebox or somewhere else hidden from view that is also easily acessible from the cabin....

I have premium sound (amp, sub, tweeters etc.....) I dont really understand about the colour thing. The icc screen is like blue but when I turn the headlights on for instance it goes almost black... if that makes any sence..

So all I need is a dvd player maybe a converter... correct??

Also how much will this cost...??

Cheers Mike

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  • Member For: 18y 11m 5d
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I bought a convertor that plugs into the factory looms. Run a JVC DVD deck and it plays movies through the factory screen. Very happy with it. I posted contact details for the bloke that made it in another thread. His name is guiseppe, but that's all I can remember. Best to do a search because Im too lazy too.

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I just purchased a signal converter from carconverters.com.au.

$295 for the converter.

$11 for the ICC plug.

$35 for the ford aux audio in plug

$15 set of RCA's

Free - Shielded Lan cabling.

Then you just hook anthing you want up to it you also need a power inverter if you buy 240v products

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