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Auto Or Manual? & Nz Pricing

Wee Dougie

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Hi Guys, my lease is finally expiring on my BA XR6T and am looking at purchasing a new F6 as there are 2 available at $57,000 NZD (which is around $48k Aussie).

No extras, totally stock.

They are both in black which is not my favourite as my current one is black and I vowed Id never buy black again.

Anyway, at that price I have reconsidered but I am unsure of heading down the manual or auto road??

I have loved the manual in the XR6T but have heard great things about the auto in the F6.

Both are available at around the $57 price.

Any comments?

Thanks Doug

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Go test drive the auto and see what you think, more than likely you will be happy with either.

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Drive them both - it is the only way.

I bought an ex-demo manual BA2 F6 and when I picked it up I thought I had made a mistake. The clunky feeling shifter, the high clutch pick up and a bit of shunt in the drivetrain all had me wishing I had bought an automatic (although I didn't actually have much choice - there weren't any BF autos at comparable prices when I bought).

8 weeks later and its a different story. Its not that the car has been worn in any more (it already had 10k on the clock when I bought it) but I have learnt to drive it. Clutch pickup point seems natural, throwing into any gear is easy (except maybe first thing on a cold day) and I almost always avoid any driveline clunk or shunt by knowing how to change the car properly now.

I still think the auto is probably the better car if you aren't really fussed about having a manual. But my previous XR6 was a manual and I think overall I am glad I stuck with it - I just enjoy the extra control.

That said, if I had been like you and had a choice between a manual and auto at identical prices then I think I would have got the auto.

P.S. I'm also in NZ.

Edited by Mist
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depends on the person I guess ... im manual person all the way.. love the good ol clutch kick in the F6 and I don't know if its just me I feel more in control when im driving a manual than I do in a auto.... that said I have test driven the Zf F6 and there great too but not for me.. each to there own..

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  • Member For: 19y 6m 14d
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wee dougie, so is your black XR6T a manual? I missed out on one, black manual that is.

If you trade up, whats it worth?? who will be seling it? how many kms?

oh I am in NZ too lol

Yip, currently have a manual, always been a fan of manuals, can have more fun in them.

I ended up leasing this one which was good and bad.

Bad cause I want an F6 now not in 6 mths.

Good as I drive it harder than if it was mine, all care and no responsibility.

The lease company will sell it for around $25.

It will have about 75km in it and is an 05 Mk2.

Standard apart from some aftermarket 18s I put on it.

Cheers Doug

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  • Member For: 19y 6m 14d
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Drive them both - it is the only way.

I bought an ex-demo manual BA2 F6 and when I picked it up I thought I had made a mistake. The clunky feeling shifter, the high clutch pick up and a bit of shunt in the drivetrain all had me wishing I had bought an automatic (although I didn't actually have much choice - there weren't any BF autos at comparable prices when I bought).

8 weeks later and its a different story. Its not that the car has been worn in any more (it already had 10k on the clock when I bought it) but I have learnt to drive it. Clutch pickup point seems natural, throwing into any gear is easy (except maybe first thing on a cold day) and I almost always avoid any driveline clunk or shunt by knowing how to change the car properly now.

I still think the auto is probably the better car if you aren't really fussed about having a manual. But my previous XR6 was a manual and I think overall I am glad I stuck with it - I just enjoy the extra control.

That said, if I had been like you and had a choice between a manual and auto at identical prices then I think I would have got the auto.

P.S. I'm also in NZ.

I had the same feeling with the manual XR when new, but was alot happier after a couple of months when I learnt to drive it better. I guess we are all good at blaming our tools. (Hope that came out ok!?)

As I do about 35 - 40km per year I found that the manual also started to get tiring when driving hence thinking about the auto next time.

Anyway, will drive both and decide. Thanks for your help. Cheers Doug

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