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Dual Climate Control And Premium Sound Question


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Hello everyone. I am still new to BA Fords so I hope someone can clear somethings up for me.. I have a 2005 XR6T MKII with the low level sound option. I intend in the next month or so to upgrade to a higher level TFT unit. Now this is where I am alittle confused.

Premium audio?

Prestige audio?

Are these the same thing or is Prestige the entire command centre?

From what I can tell the audio components of these units (screen and CD stacker) are identical. The units on the FPVs and Fairmonts seem to have more displays. Is this because of the climate control of The Prestige interior Command Centre?

Can this Prestige interior Command Centre be fitted to a low level XR6 without changing half of the car? I did this sort of a conversion on my last :tease: Expensive Daewoo VX LS1 Commdore :w00t2: and had to change the following

1. In car air temp sensor

2. Aspiration Tube

3. Venturi

4. Intake sensor

5. Solar sensor

6. Ambient temp sensor

7. vacume solenoid pack

8. Vacume switch

9. Right Hand Air Mix Motor (Upper)

10. Left hand Air Mix Motor (Lower, this one is for the dual climate control I havnt desided as yet)

11. Activation lever

12. ECC module

13. BCM

14. Body Loom

I dont want to do that sort of conversion again because I am now wiser (that's why I also bought a XR6)...

Any help or if anyone could lead me in the right direction would be super!


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Hey mate

Here is a site that might help you http://www.trueblueford.com/BA_audio.html

it gives basic info on the 4 different level of radio options.

Premuim sound has the Colour screen 6 in dash cd stacker 150w sub amp and 150w amp

Prestige only has a lcd screen (about half the hieght of the color screen) 6 stacker in dash and 100w amp and no sub (I think)

The ICC in the GTs and Fairmonts will have the preium sound and the Daul climate control option (which can be option on the XR as the luxuray pack option which give you the climate control and sports leather seats)

Best bet would be is pm ninka as he converted the premium sound with the climate control in his xr. there is a post on here too about it maybe do a search

hope that is some help :tease:

Edited by Envi_XR8
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had a look at the site and half the links don't work.

didn't realise the prestige audio was in between the basic and premium, I figured it was the one in the fairmonts and premium was the middle option. replacing my premium sound MK1 with the fairmont CC fitted premium sound what won't work? I know the outside temp reading needs the l/h mirror to be replaced but will the CC work or not ?

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yeah but the link and forum there still doesn't answer the question of what needs to be replaced and what features will work automatically.

also according to the people who wrote that, an icc cant be used in any car other than the original or is there a way around this

Edited by qwigybo
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yeah but the link and forum there still doesn't answer the question of what needs to be replaced and what features will work automatically.

also according to the people who wrote that, an icc cant be used in any car other than the original or is there a way around this

The Premium sound includes the colour LCD and the 6 CD stacker. You can get these after market. Link to screen conversion specialists

The Premium sound however also includes, 'A' pillar speakers, a sub on the rear parcel shelf and larger and or more amps. I do not know that anyone offers this conversion after market.

The wiring loom for the Premium sound is apparently from the Fairmont. One of the forum members discovered that it also included the sockets for front footwell lights - but not the globes - fit the globes and the Premium Sound then also includes footwell lights.



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recieved an email from FTG auto salvage about changing the mk1 premo unit to the c/c equipped unit the following pieces are also required for the switch:

you will need a high series bem, some rods that plug onto your him module , lh door mirror , dash loom , and lh door wiring loom

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Just the change from an LS1 to an XR6T has been an enourmous leap forward.... Congratulations....

Forced isnt the only one, another mate just done the same thing 2 days ago....

He goes.. I still cant believe I swapped camps..


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