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Force 6 And 8


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To the people who are bagging the Force 6 and 8.

Instead of shooting from the hip, just try and grasp the bigger picture: With a broke parent in the US sucking the liquidity out of local operations, FPV/Ford Australia isn't exactly flush with funds. But, for a relatively small investment they've come up with two new models which widen the appeal of the FPV range to a whole new market. That's smart thinking, smart manufacturing, smart marketing. That's the kind of smarts that will keep FPV alive and flourishing and producing the GT/P and Typhoon/Tornado cars YOU love.

Secondly, my companies own a Fiesta, a Fairmont S/wagon, a Fairmont Ghia, and a Typhoon. I have a business partner who's never owned a Ford before. He drives a Zed and Merc. Until today (well, yesterday, cos its after midnight now) when he test drove a Force 6 and BOUGHT it right away 'cos it offers him the right package of prestige looks and performance. So now we have a new Ford/FPV convert (and a complete Ford stable) thanks entirely to the design smarts behind the Force 6.

Third, we went for a fang round town today (yesterday), him in the Force 6, me in the Typhoon. I was able to check it out from every angle while underway on the road, and the FPV stylists have excelled themselves. The Force 6 looks like it owns the road. It is a complete, integrated Euro-lux package. Solid, posessive and balsy. The wheels in shadow chrome are amazing in rotation - a soft silver blur with the big red brembos and rotors clear as daylight behind them. I got to get the steadycam rig set up and film them, they're that lovely. The interior with the dark tones and dark woodgrain looks a lot more coherent in design terms than the Typhoon with its bits of stick-on imitation carbon fibre. The car in motion, from the rear 3/4, has the look of a big solid, purposeful European performance limo. It PROWLS! Whatever YOU think, this car is a statement in power and subtlety - because not everyone who'd got it wants to let it all hang out. In my colleague's words: "With an edit, this will be a $200,000 car for 70 grand."

Finally, just 'cos YOU can't imagine a market for these cars, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. According to media reports, FPV has sold one third of the ANNUAL production of Force 6 and 8s in just ten days. TEN DAYS! So my message is, if YOU don't like 'em, just don't buy 'em. Fine! But stop bagging 'em 'cos in the bigger scheme of things, they're helping keep FPV viable, which is good for YOU.

Edited by theblackpig
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.... don't buy 'em. Fine! But stop bagging 'em 'cos in the bigger scheme of things, they're helping keep FPV viable, which is good for YOU.

to cut you short, well said!

was down at the service dep today and they had a force 6 and 8 there and they are very nice cars...

they have given the guys on a budget the XR6T, those who wanna play the phoon and those with the $$ the F6/8 and were complaining why?

now where'd they put the Terrortory....?

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That's smart thinking, smart manufacturing, smart marketing. That's the kind of smarts that will keep FPV alive and flourishing and producing the GT/P and Typhoon/Tornado cars YOU love.

It's more lean than smart....

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  • I see red
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The interior with the dark tones and dark woodgrain looks a lot more coherent in design terms than the Typhoon with its bits of stick-on imitation carbon fibre.

And fake wood stuck on the dash is different how from fake carbon fibre?

I can't see the value in the Force models myself, especially the 6 cylinder version. I reckon (just my opinion....) that the Force models still look too much like F6 and GT-P and should of been more subtle, say like AU1 T-Series or maybe should of left the plastic off all together and had a "plain" Fairmont but with the F6/GT-P running gear.

The hot Euro Beemers and Mercs etc don't have much plastic hanging off them.

I must be wrong though if Ford have already sold 1/3 of their yearly production.

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  • My new toy
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Not my cup of tea but after speaking to the guys that have got to sell these they are meant for the big end of town.

That is mainly to people who are allowed to lease a car though where they work that although has alot of preformance but are not to look to sporty.

There has been alot of intrest in this.


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would be interesting to know what of that 1/3rd was dealers ordering them for the showroom floor and what were actual sales...

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  • loitering with intent
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To the people who are bagging the Force 6 and 8.

Instead of shooting from the hip, just try and grasp the bigger picture: With a broke parent in the US sucking the liquidity out of local operations, FPV/Ford Australia isn't exactly flush with funds. But, for a relatively small investment they've come up with two new models which widen the appeal of the FPV range to a whole new market. That's smart thinking, smart manufacturing, smart marketing. That's the kind of smarts that will keep FPV alive and flourishing and producing the GT/P and Typhoon/Tornado cars YOU love.

Secondly, my companies own a Fiesta, a Fairmont S/wagon, a Fairmont Ghia, and a Typhoon. I have a business partner who's never owned a Ford before. He drives a Zed and Merc. Until today (well, yesterday, cos its after midnight now) when he test drove a Force 6 and BOUGHT it right away 'cos it offers him the right package of prestige looks and performance. So now we have a new Ford/FPV convert (and a complete Ford stable) thanks entirely to the design smarts behind the Force 6.

Third, we went for a fang round town today (yesterday), him in the Force 6, me in the Typhoon. I was able to check it out from every angle while underway on the road, and the FPV stylists have excelled themselves. The Force 6 looks like it owns the road. It is a complete, integrated Euro-lux package. Solid, posessive and balsy. The wheels in shadow chrome are amazing in rotation - a soft silver blur with the big red brembos and rotors clear as daylight behind them. I got to get the steadycam rig set up and film them, they're that lovely. The interior with the dark tones and dark woodgrain looks a lot more coherent in design terms than the Typhoon with its bits of stick-on imitation carbon fibre. The car in motion, from the rear 3/4, has the look of a big solid, purposeful European performance limo. It PROWLS! Whatever YOU think, this car is a statement in power and subtlety - because not everyone who'd got it wants to let it all hang out. In my colleague's words: "With an edit, this will be a $200,000 car for 70 grand."

Finally, just 'cos YOU can't imagine a market for these cars, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. According to media reports, FPV has sold one third of the ANNUAL production of Force 6 and 8s in just ten days. TEN DAYS! So my message is, if YOU don't like 'em, just don't buy 'em. Fine! But stop bagging 'em 'cos in the bigger scheme of things, they're helping keep FPV viable, which is good for YOU.

Nice post , giving an alternate POV :laughing:

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To the people who are bagging the Force 6 and 8.

Instead of shooting from the hip, just try and grasp the bigger picture: With a broke parent in the US sucking the liquidity out of local operations, FPV/Ford Australia isn't exactly flush with funds. But, for a relatively small investment they've come up with two new models which widen the appeal of the FPV range to a whole new market. That's smart thinking, smart manufacturing, smart marketing. That's the kind of smarts that will keep FPV alive and flourishing and producing the GT/P and Typhoon/Tornado cars YOU love.

Secondly, my companies own a Fiesta, a Fairmont S/wagon, a Fairmont Ghia, and a Typhoon. I have a business partner who's never owned a Ford before. He drives a Zed and Merc. Until today (well, yesterday, cos its after midnight now) when he test drove a Force 6 and BOUGHT it right away 'cos it offers him the right package of prestige looks and performance. So now we have a new Ford/FPV convert (and a complete Ford stable) thanks entirely to the design smarts behind the Force 6.

Third, we went for a fang round town today (yesterday), him in the Force 6, me in the Typhoon. I was able to check it out from every angle while underway on the road, and the FPV stylists have excelled themselves. The Force 6 looks like it owns the road. It is a complete, integrated Euro-lux package. Solid, posessive and balsy. The wheels in shadow chrome are amazing in rotation - a soft silver blur with the big red brembos and rotors clear as daylight behind them. I got to get the steadycam rig set up and film them, they're that lovely. The interior with the dark tones and dark woodgrain looks a lot more coherent in design terms than the Typhoon with its bits of stick-on imitation carbon fibre. The car in motion, from the rear 3/4, has the look of a big solid, purposeful European performance limo. It PROWLS! Whatever YOU think, this car is a statement in power and subtlety - because not everyone who'd got it wants to let it all hang out. In my colleague's words: "With an edit, this will be a $200,000 car for 70 grand."

Finally, just 'cos YOU can't imagine a market for these cars, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. According to media reports, FPV has sold one third of the ANNUAL production of Force 6 and 8s in just ten days. TEN DAYS! So my message is, if YOU don't like 'em, just don't buy 'em. Fine! But stop bagging 'em 'cos in the bigger scheme of things, they're helping keep FPV viable, which is good for YOU.


The force car's are not everyone's cup of tea but it's 2 more cars to choose from that we never had before. If you don't like them just don't buy one.

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"With an edit, this will be a $200,000 car for 70 grand."

That is M5 / E63 territory. Ahm ... I dont think so!!! That statement would be equivalent to "A boosted VL, this will be a 70 grand car for 5 grand"

I would like to see a Force 6 running 204mph.

Dont get me wrong, for the money a Force 6 / F6 is great value for money and has excellent performance characteristics but lets not get carried away ...


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