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To Rice Or Not To Rice.


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Dude, rice it up if that's what you like. After all its your car and you gotta be happy with it.

Ignore what some of the singlet wearing stiffs on this forum say about mods. A couple of years ago they were criticising mechanical mods as well.

It's your T, go ahead and make it yours and be proud.

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Dude, rice it up if that's what you like.  After all its your car and you gotta be happy with it.

Ignore what some of the singlet wearing stiffs on this forum say about mods. A couple of years ago they were criticising mechanical mods as well. 

It's your T, go ahead and make it yours and be proud.

get it right mate, tank tops not singlets :bum:

I choose to wear blue singlets, footy shorts which are 3 sizes to small, and sink VB all day long :spoton:

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  • XR68UZ
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that is one ugly r34.

go the ricers! as long as you have stuff from those companies shouldnt be too bad. at least ricer boys will remember you. you'd prob get more race's as well *cough* on private roads of course

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  • Resident golf buggy drift champion
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that is one ugly r34.

go the ricers! as long as you have stuff from those companies shouldnt be too bad. at least ricer boys will remember you. you'd prob get more race's as well *cough* on private roads of course

Yeah R34 for display purposes only. lol

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Nothing wrong with having a go. If that's what you like go for it.

Ive always wondered what it would look like so I can't wait till you post the pic's.

Me I'd have to sport,






More than 5 name or so and they'd need to be very small.

Ok guy even those who'd never order anything to eat out of a wok if you where going to rice up what would you sport down your doors rice style?

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Ricing is a style thing, with a lot of care and a good long look at a lot of real XR6 track cars it can be done well (just leave autobarn out of it).

It'd be easy to stuff somthing like ricing a XR6 but FPV have had a go at it and they came up trumps and theres one or two member here that like the look of the Drift F6.

Have a go I say. :spoton:

Call AWC they may have some idea's for you.

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Why put ad's on your car for items that YOU pay for ? :bum:

If you were sponsored, then I could understand, most of the cars you see the stickers on are sponsored, the rest are tryhard wannabees who cannot afford the stuff the makers make, so they put a sticker in the hope of have a shread of respect.....

The problem is every ricer does it and so now it is common.

While you may think it will look cool, most will not, the cops will notice you and then you will be saying how the cops pick on you.

If you are gonna go rice, then go the whole way with Neons, 20+" chromies, 8000W subwoofer/amp combo and a canon exhaust. Just remember the ricers motto "ALL SHOW, NO GO"

That means your can must not have any performance mods, only ones that make more noise :spoton:

I am the opposite, I like STEALTH

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  • Resident golf buggy drift champion
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Dave, don't forget the underbody neons to go with the stickers.

ummm..no :laughing:

Just a few stickers and then a CF bonnet maybe. Something different than the TAXI look.

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