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Capa Flash Not So Stealth


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What Tom says is completetly correct. My dealer knows not to reflash the ECU, as they are aware of my mods and I am upfront with them. Anyway the HPF sticker and green injectors are bit of a giveaway anyhow :blink:

Best bet is to find a dealer that you can have an open relationship with, that way some of the 50/50 calls may even go your way eg. a new diff in my T, when they could have easily called "MOD" alert if I had tried to stooge them

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" The only way I have seen people get caught out is putting their "stock (F) calibration" back into the car after ford upgraded it the last time to the latest.."


Danny, bit of danger here with your statement......

Are you are suggesting that owners should leave the EDIT tune in the ECU when leaving a car for service?

I seem to recall a very important issue with the EDIT.

If you have an edit tune in the car ( NOT the F factory tune), and dealer reflashes the ECU, you will render your edit box useless. You will NOT be able to load your tunes, unless the box is sent back to SCT for a clear of the car's ID.

Best practice is to be up front with your dealer.

Guys who try and bullsh!t their way for warranty repairs for driveline issues on modified vehicles don't win any votes with me.

I have a dealer who is passionate about performance cars.

I've been straight with them, and they have been very fair with me.

Whatever has been a warranty claim has never been questioned.

Whatever has been an issue related to any of my mods, I've paid for.

I tell them the car has an edit tune, and I do NOT want any reflash.

They understand that, and respect my wishes.


Which dealer do you use Tom?

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" The only way I have seen people get caught out is putting their "stock (F) calibration" back into the car after ford upgraded it the last time to the latest.."


Danny, bit of danger here with your statement......

Are you are suggesting that owners should leave the EDIT tune in the ECU when leaving a car for service?

I seem to recall a very important issue with the EDIT.

If you have an edit tune in the car ( NOT the F factory tune), and dealer reflashes the ECU, you will render your edit box useless. You will NOT be able to load your tunes, unless the box is sent back to SCT for a clear of the car's ID.

Best practice is to be up front with your dealer.

Guys who try and bullsh!t their way for warranty repairs for driveline issues on modified vehicles don't win any votes with me.

I have a dealer who is passionate about performance cars.

I've been straight with them, and they have been very fair with me.

Whatever has been a warranty claim has never been questioned.

Whatever has been an issue related to any of my mods, I've paid for.

I tell them the car has an edit tune, and I do NOT want any reflash.

They understand that, and respect my wishes.


Which dealer do you use Tom?

MT at Port Adelaide.


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" The only way I have seen people get caught out is putting their "stock (F) calibration" back into the car after ford upgraded it the last time to the latest.."


Danny, bit of danger here with your statement......

Are you are suggesting that owners should leave the EDIT tune in the ECU when leaving a car for service?


Hi Tom,

No, that's not what I ment.

Give this example

I buy my car, A3YA code on my car when purchased brand new

I flash my car. A3YA gets read from my PCM into my flasher box's F location, and a modified one gets flashed back in.

My car goes for a service, I flash F back onto my car, which is A3YA

Dealer Flashes my car to the new firmware, A3YB

I pickup my car, and put my "hoon tune" back in.. which is A3YA

Next time car goes for a service / warentee claim, I put F back on my car, thinking ford wont know I've edited it.

Ford plugs their diagnostic tools in and guess what code they read? A3YA (which was stored in F location)..

With me yet? Ford will have on their records they flash upgraded my car from A3YA to A3YB..

Personally I have no intention of "stiffing" my dealer, Altought all my mods are going to be done with Nizpro, who do their own warentee on the engine / turbo.. Nizpro also have a good relationship with a Ford service centre (unsure which one).

So any problems like the rear power window motor failing wont be denied because "your cars been edited mate" type story we hear here again and again


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I understand what you are saying, but your post was ambiguous.

Some people could easily mis-interpret your intention, and it would cause grief,

hence my post.

But I am not so sure the scenario you explain is correct either.

I thought ECU tune data, including dealer updates, (when factory tune is in ECU) are stored back to the Flash Edit box when one of the EDIT performance maps is loaded.

ie, my understanding is that the flash edit box remembers that the last download to ECU was F(actory) tune, and hence when a performance slot (1,2, or 3) tune is loaded, the ECU transfers the current factory data back into the F slot.

That way the latest factory tunes ARE capable of being maintained in the EDIT.

I'd like a clarification here .... where's street tuner? He would definitely know.


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I understand what you are saying, but your post was ambiguous.

Some people could easily mis-interpret your intention, and it would cause grief,

hence my post.

But I am not so sure the scenario you explain is correct either.

I thought ECU tune data, including dealer updates, (when factory tune is in ECU) are stored back to the Flash Edit box when one of the EDIT performance maps is loaded.

ie, my understanding is that the flash edit box remembers that the last download to ECU was F(actory) tune, and hence when a performance slot (1,2, or 3) tune is loaded, the ECU transfers the current factory data back into the F slot.

That way the latest factory tunes ARE capable of being maintained in the EDIT.

I'd like a clarification here ....  where's street tuner?  He would definitely know.


This is wrong. The "F" slot is loaded only ONCE the very first time the flash tuner is connected to your car.

Only other way to get around this is to have your flash tuner unlocked, (now only 4 lives left) and then it will once again download whatever is in the PCM to the "F" slot.



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ie, my understanding is that the flash edit box remembers that the last download to ECU was F(actory) tune, and hence when a performance slot (1,2, or 3) tune is loaded, the ECU transfers the current factory data back into the F slot.

That way the latest factory tunes ARE capable of being maintained in the EDIT.

I'd like a clarification here ....  where's street tuner?  He would definitely know.


The Flasher box only reads the PCM code once.. And stores it in the F location.

You can tell by the way the 4 LED's flash when its reading or writing.. They "chase" in the opposite direction when its reading or writing.

If I recall correctly, when they chase left, its reading, when they chase right, its writing to PCM

The only time it will re-read the Factory code is if you clear the box. Which any dealer can do. But you only get 4 shots to do that before the box needs to be sent back to capa.

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So then can't overwrite your pre-service F-Slot factory tune on the flasher with the newly serviced and updated flash tune that the dealer put on once you pick your car up?????

I.e. I buy a flasher and save the factory tune to Slot F, a month later it goes for service so I reflash my stock factory tune back into the ECU.. the dealer then reflashes my ECU with the latest factory tune - Can I or Cant I then save this new factory tune to Slot F, overwriting the factory tune I saved when I bought the flasher ??

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So then can't overwrite your pre-service F-Slot factory tune on the flasher with the newly serviced and updated flash tune that the dealer put on once you pick your car up?????

I.e. I buy a flasher and save the factory tune to Slot F, a month later it goes for service so I reflash my stock factory tune back into the ECU.. the dealer then reflashes my ECU with the latest factory tune - Can I or Cant I then save this new factory tune to Slot F, overwriting the factory tune I saved when I bought the flasher ??

No, as soon as you put one of your tunes (F, 1, 2, or 3), your dealer updated firmware is lost

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