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Capa Flash Not So Stealth


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  • Big Gun
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B4 ford service...... flash your ECU to factory, start the car let it run for 5 min disconnect the negative lead on your battery while the car is running, then turn off your car as per normal and let sit ova night with lead off ....  walla undectectable, your negative lead must remain off for a period of no less than 6 hours..  the ECU has a small Bios battery (capacitor) that discharges ova a period 4-6 hours and resets all settings to default...

this has been tried and tested on a BA....  have to try the BF

I thought disconnecting the battery while engine is running can cause damage to the alternator.

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I thought disconnecting the battery while engine is running can cause damage to the alternator.

explain to me how... impossible

I dunno mate. I think I read it in the workshop manual.....maybe. I'm not a qualified auto electrician. Maybe I should ask one. I'll get back to you.

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B4 ford service...... flash your ECU to factory, start the car let it run for 5 min disconnect the negative lead on your battery while the car is running, then turn off your car as per normal and let sit ova night with lead off ....  walla undectectable, your negative lead must remain off for a period of no less than 6 hours..  the ECU has a small Bios battery (capacitor) that discharges ova a period 4-6 hours and resets all settings to default...

this has been tried and tested on a BA....  have to try the BF

I find it very hard to believe that what your saying is true.

a fault code would be written into the EEPROM not RAM and therefore could only be erased/changed with the correct program. Just like the k's on your dash.

the PCM has a temporary storage system that does get erased when you disconnect the battery but that's more for the "learning" ability of the car.

but if you have tested this and the fault codes disappear maybe ford were just stupid enough not to put the codes into the eeprom. MAYBE that's what there now doing which is why they can now detect the edit????

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  • Big Gun
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I found this article, there's many like it. Note point 15.6


'A battery as like a voltage stabilizer or filter to the pulsating DC produced by the alternator. Disconnecting a battery while the engine is running can destroy the electronic components, e.g., computers, radio, stereo, alarm system, etc., or the charging system. Just say NO! if anyone suggests this. '

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B4 ford service...... flash your ECU to factory, start the car let it run for 5 min disconnect the negative lead on your battery while the car is running, then turn off your car as per normal and let sit ova night with lead off ....  walla undectectable, your negative lead must remain off for a period of no less than 6 hours..  the ECU has a small Bios battery (capacitor) that discharges ova a period 4-6 hours and resets all settings to default...

this has been tried and tested on a BA....  have to try the BF

Two points I have been a mechanic for 26 years and this staement is just an accident waiting to happen.

Disconnecting the battery while motor is running could cause such a big voltage spike that yes the computor would be cleared totally that is take car to ford and get new because the old one has been fried.



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A friend of mine today got his car serviced and has had an ongoing problem with his oil consumption, the service department put a logger onto the ford ecu and a code came up that is no verified by ford. and once his car came out of service, had a BIG FAT STICKER ON WINDSCREEN saying warranty has been voided.

Bugger, :laughing:

I Found Ford warranty 2nd rate anyway.


Edited by Muzza
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Two points I have been a mechanic for 26 years and this staement is just an accident waiting to happen.

Disconnecting the battery while motor is running could cause such a big voltage spike that yes the computor would be cleared totally that is take car to ford and get new because the old one has been fried.



Mechanic, NOT Electronic Technician.... BIG difference And Ive been one of them for the last 12years , and BTW read it properly negative lead only... any peice of electronic equip must have some source of power to retain values, settings or codes

... unless the equip has a peice of hardware in it called a NVM (NON VOLATILE MEMORY) that still requires a power source... and the BA defiantly does not..


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Mechanic, NOT Electronic Technician.... BIG difference And Ive been one of them for the last 12years , and BTW read it properly negative lead only... any peice of electronic equip must have some source of power to retain values, settings or codes

... unless the equip has a peice of hardware in it  called a NVM (NON VOLATILE MEMORY)  that still requires a power source... and the BA defiantly does not..


I love you Peter. Your so smart, why do you hang around with DBOSS??lmao :laughing:

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