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Capa Flash Not So Stealth


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Anyone got a date for this 'anti-edit' flash update??

ie from when did this start happening?

Not sure but the guy who told me has got the info straight from ford tech department.

He has been right with everything else he has told me as well. :nono:


The rotten buggers! :laughing:

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And I believe they updated to ba aswell and yes you are correct the code can not be removed at all.


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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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Guys the edit has been out for how long now? You could not honestely expect Ford not to do R&D to detect it. It will now be up to CAPA to step up to the plate.

Having said all that, some dealers will go looking and others wont, remeber they want there service departments to work and if that happens to be warranty work then so be it.

Some dealers are sh*te and others are ok. Unfortunatly we cannot say on this forum go to such and such they are ok, or Ford Australia will come down on them. There is also the motto you paly you pay.

Personally my opinion is that some mild mods should not void warranty. Unfortunately the edit is so good at doing what it does, that an edit and bit more flow throught the intake and exhaust and they power increases are not mild in anyones books.

I would say that up until this point we have had it pretty good, and the ball is in CAPAs court, and ours.


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What about your power chip Scotty, have they susd that yet....?

Powerchip still overwrites the stock program, should be the same as edit. Being a BA though, and assuming it doesn't have the anti-edit feature, it prolly wont flag.

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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What about your power chip Scotty, have they susd that yet....?

Mate I have no doubt that if they wanted to they could find it. Though every tech sales rep and coffe lady that work or have worked for Ford in the last four years know about the edit. It was a Ford tech that said mat if you want more power get an edit.

Even though Powerchip, advertise in every Motor mag. I dont rekon to many people would know about them.

Before I got my car chipped I aked a Ford tech mate if I do this will it exceed the manufactures safety margins, the answer was mate a mild increase in power the engine will deal with no probs. That has been proved on this forum.

Will it void warranty, the answer was yes. But unless your car looks like it has many mods, and it drives like a bat out of hell, most Ford dealerships are not going to waste their time looking for somthing. Add to that they want your work. Not all dealers are like this, and it is a lottery no doubt.


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B4 ford service...... flash your ECU to factory, start the car let it run for 5 min disconnect the negative lead on your battery while the car is running, then turn off your car as per normal and let sit ova night with lead off .... walla undectectable, your negative lead must remain off for a period of no less than 6 hours.. the ECU has a small Bios battery (capacitor) that discharges ova a period 4-6 hours and resets all settings to default...

this has been tried and tested on a BA.... have to try the BF

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