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Wont Make Power


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  • Location: Auckland NZ

so it makes 320-330RWKW when its running right but when shes off it drops WAY down to 240-260RWKW using exactly the same tune. Robin hasnt tracked it down yet, they have had the computer out to clean up all the terminals as they were all damp and manky, checked for leaks but the boost curve is smooth the cat is OK. Now its going to be Monday before she's ready

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Still no luck and I'm starting to worry, shouldv'e had the boys at Ford look at this while it was under waranty but I thought it was just the lousy generic 8psi tune. Tomorrow the Rocker cover comes off to check the actuators are advancing and retarding the CAM timing correctly. The computer says they are just the results dont match, been in for 7 days now and the bill is going to be mental.

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My car is doing a simmilar thing at the noment, went from 380rwkw to 280rwkw,and nothing is showing up abnormally in the tune.They are pulling the cams out and checking the sensors on the back of the cams also they are checking the crank angle sensor.

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My car is doing a simmilar thing at the noment, went from 380rwkw to 280rwkw,and nothing is showing up abnormally in the tune.They are pulling the cams out and checking the sensors on the back of the cams also they are checking the crank angle sensor.

I assume nothing is showing up out of the ordinary on the dyno just won't pull as hard as it should. Is yours intermittant or a constant drop? I took it to Ford for this problem months ago but flashed it back to stock and they said they couldnt recreate the problem, so I thought it was the tune. Sounds like its going to expensive to track down.

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mine had a similar problem and it turned out to be a wire for the variable cams runs to close to the turbo and burnt out

Hi Bloosted,

Didnt the burned out wire show on the ECU as a fault somehow? I could live with this as just finding it would be a step in the right direction, and sounds like its easy to repair too.

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Went for a drive in it today, AAARGH its horrible, the thing is a million times worse than when I took it in, it is so rough. Even idles rough at times, makes a paltry 256RWKW at best at 10psi but half the time when you put the pedal down it drops a couple of cylinders and sounds like a tractor. The tuner has had it for 8 days and it is so bad I dont want it back, he keeps telling me he;ll try this and that and when I asked he hasnt done anything. Some times though its fine??? The missing scares me, as that's new and it drops those cylinders so often.

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Mate sounds very frustrating :sick: Don't know what your tuning options are over there in NZ, but it seems your current one is somewhat clueless.

Might be worth getting a mail order tune in one of your slots from one of the OZ tuners and then run it up on the Dyno to make sure everything is ticketyboo.

Some guys on here have done this very successfully, maybe worth a try :sick:

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  • Member For: 19y 9m 8d
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Mate sounds very frustrating :spit: Don't know what your tuning options are over there in NZ, but it seems your current one is somewhat clueless.

Might be worth getting a mail order tune in one of your slots from one of the OZ tuners and then run it up on the Dyno to make sure everything is ticketyboo.

Some guys on here have done this very successfully, maybe worth a try :spoton:

I am very tempted, this guy was recommended by Simon at Nizpro as he has attended the tuning courses they've run and has great reviews form other car owners, I think my car may be a lemon. Am looking at putting it back to stock and selling, then buy another T. I have kept all the bits just in case.

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