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Sct New Tuning Tool From Capa - Xcal 2


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It's dirt cheap compared to what us early birds payed for the original edit boxes.

Not to mention the added functionality!

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There's no point posting up all these links to the units on Ebay US!

They cannot be used on our vehicles so there's no point continually bringing it up!

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I think it is overpriced just as the flash box was over priced when it first came out.... I still bough one although I thought it was over priced (I paid $1250).... It was easy to ask for more with the flash box as we had no alternative back then.

However, most of us here already have the flash box and can now wait till the price comes down to purchase :spoton: am guessing these will not walk out the door at the same rate the flash boxes originally did for this reason.

anyone that runs business would do the same thing and cash in while they can.. sell as much as possible at the higher price and when sales become stagnant or slow the price will come down. that's the way it works :spoton: If I was bringing them in I would do exactly the same thing :spoton:

if you are like me and think the price is high, just dont buy. It will come down in the future... no point in complaining about though as it will do no good :spoton:

Edited by jetute
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I understand where you are comming from. Unfortunately CAPA have a stranglehold and can charge whatever they like.

Back in 03/04 though, long before I owned a T, There were Unichip, Powerchip and a some others. In the end, most of those products have fallen by the wayside and or serve very small markets within, what is already a small market.

Like it or hate it, mate you cannot influence market forces.

Personnally, I think they are over priced, and should never come with a generic tune/s. I have choosen not to own one.

My 2c.


PS us Brisbane people are lucky we have a real alternative in the RDP system.

Edited by Kimberley Scott
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I wonder how the Ford VCM suite is coming (if at all). You know that they can do LS1 realtime tuning now with v2.1.12...

And oh, looky here, VCM Suite "Home Tuner" GM Std (up to 4 VIN numbers, or 1 x VIN + 1 Model Year): $955

Yeah, we're getting TOPS value from CAPA


Ford VCM suite

two weeks :spoton:

I have heard a month at the most as they too are having the problem about the "buy credits" thing!

From what I have seen of the VCM for holden, Fords is going to be the sh*t as far as tuning capability and ease of use.

Doesn't help me at the moment though as my ute has a ghost in it and wont even crank over now. thought it was the keys giving the problem as the symptoms are to the book as far as problems go but have ruled it out.

The mega buck CAN SCAN my mechanic has wont access the pcm now so I hope it isnt the computer sh*tting itself!

Oh well more money into the Ford again :spoton:

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I understand where you are comming from. Unfortunately CAPA have a stranglehold and can charge whatever they like.

Back in 03/04 though, long before I owned a T, There were Unichip, Powerchip and a some others. In the end, most of those products have fallen by the wayside and or serve very small markets within, what is already a small market.

Like it or hate it, mate you cannot influence market forces.

Personnally, I think they are over priced, and should never come with a generic tune/s. I have choosen not to own one.

My 2c.


PS us Brisbane people are lucky we have a real alternative in the RDP system.

Well said there Scotty, but Unichip old hat? Say it aint so!!! I still run a Unichip on my EF N/A making 160rwkw! :spoton:

I wonder how the Ford VCM suite is coming (if at all). You know that they can do LS1 realtime tuning now with v2.1.12...

And oh, looky here, VCM Suite "Home Tuner" GM Std (up to 4 VIN numbers, or 1 x VIN + 1 Model Year): $955

Yeah, we're getting TOPS value from CAPA


Ford VCM suite

two weeks :spoton:

I have heard a month at the most as they too are having the problem about the "buy credits" thing!

From what I have seen of the VCM for holden, Fords is going to be the sh*t as far as tuning capability and ease of use.

Interesting bjc. I do like to :spoton: sometimes, but being serious for a sec, it'll be a good thing for us all, competition wise when Ford VCM eventually does eventuate.

Edited by SavageD
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SCT vin lock all their boxes, capa do not do it

The live wire has only just been released at SEMA in the states, and most of the SCT dealers are complaining because SCT has not given any of the dealers any information regarding the unit, although 1 magazine ran an add for it last month and Jegs has them for sale on their website.

You do not even need a flash box to use the data logger

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NOS XR, I agree with your sentiments regarding the tuning solutions available to Falcon owners.

Having used LS1 Edit, VCM suite and also the SCT Advantage, the Ford tuning software sucks arse compared to the GM tuning for several reasons.

1. Having to sell a tuning box as part of a tuning solution is cost inhibitive, eating into both the profit one can make from tuning, and also inflates the cost of the service/product delivered to the end user. Tuning for GENIII's costs, on average, $500-$800. Dealer cost for a tuning box is at least $740, plus tuning fees from your tuner, costing the Falcon owner at least $1000 for the box and one custom tune. $500 - $800 for a good custom tune and no piece of hardware represents much better value.

2. The box can only be locked/unlocked 5 times before it has to be resent to the US to be unlocked. Both represent an unwanted cost and inconvenience.

3. Uploading/downloading calibrations wastes valuable time compared to VCM Suite.

Watch the price of the SCT gear for the Australian model cars plummet 50% when another tuning solution becomes available. It can't happen soon enough.

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All I can see is alot of unhappy people done the track.

Make a few little mistakes and bang, there she goes. Having tune adjustabily is just asking for trouble in my opinion.

The Daterlogger is only a good for tuning hard core on a dyno or maybe on the track. I have one. For the lay person its a complete waste of time I think.

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