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Sct New Tuning Tool From Capa - Xcal 2


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All I can see is alot of unhappy people done the track.

Make a few little mistakes and bang, there she goes. Having tune adjustabily is just asking for trouble in my opinion.

The Daterlogger is only a good for tuning hard core on a dyno or maybe on the track. I have one. For the lay person its a complete waste of time I think.

Mate you have not watched enough Fast and Furious, go and hire it and see just how wrong you are. :spoton:

No seriousely, you are spot on.


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I think these new SCT units only allow minor tweaking to try guard against 'home made bombs'. Still though, if an engine's been tuned on the edge in the first place...


Edited by SavageD
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Watch the price of the SCT gear for the Australian model cars plummet 50% when another tuning solution becomes available. It can't happen soon enough.

Well said sir, clearly your a scholar and a gentleman. :tease:

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NOS XR, I agree with your sentiments regarding the tuning solutions available to Falcon owners.

Having used LS1 Edit, VCM suite and also the SCT Advantage, the Ford tuning software sucks arse compared to the GM tuning for several reasons.

1. Having to sell a tuning box as part of a tuning solution is cost inhibitive, eating into both the profit one can make from tuning, and also inflates the cost of the service/product delivered to the end user. Tuning for GENIII's costs, on average, $500-$800. Dealer cost for a tuning box is at least $740, plus tuning fees from your tuner, costing the Falcon owner at least $1000 for the box and one custom tune. $500 - $800 for a good custom tune and no piece of hardware represents much better value.

2. The box can only be locked/unlocked 5 times before it has to be resent to the US to be unlocked. Both represent an unwanted cost and inconvenience.

3. Uploading/downloading calibrations wastes valuable time compared to VCM Suite.

Watch the price of the SCT gear for the Australian model cars plummet 50% when another tuning solution becomes available. It can't happen soon enough.

I hear what your saying, however isn't the biggest advantage of the box, is the fact that it can store 4 tunes and you can swab between them whenever you like?

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I can't belive so many people are bitching about the price! The price is peanuts compared to the other ecu's out there!

I am gratefull that Capa actually sell the edit, chances are we would have probably never have know about such technology if they didn't... :tease:

Edited by FPVPSI
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Everyone seems to be focussing on th negative sides of things of this. I can see the concern, but I say that's the owners choice, if they don't know what they are doing then that's their problem. From reading it seems like the tuner can set what can actually be changed on the box. On the other side could this actually save things? I.e get a crap tank of fuel for example could it be tweaked to account for it?? I also see you can change shift firmness, something I think could come in handy for the auto drivers out there. As for the price, the extra 300 that it is over the current flash box seems reasonable to me for the extras that you get, especially since the logger is $995!!!

I found it interesting to see that on the US SCT website it states that tuners can email you tunes that you can upload yourself with a USB cable and free software, pretty handy for those guys with mail order tunes and yes it is only one way, you cant download tunes from the box.

I for one think it sounds like a good product and can see myself getting one in the near future. SCT dont advertise the old flash box anmore on their site, so I would say this is the future for flash tuning, along with live wire, but that sounds like a fair way off. But hey if you don't like it, no one is forcing you to buy it.

Just my opinion.

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I think these new SCT units only allow minor tweaking to try guard against 'home made bombs'. Still though, if an engine's been tuned on the edge in the first place...


From the info on the site the end user adjustability in the way of fuel and spark is minimal, so yes unless your engine is tuned to within an inch of its life I don't see any issues with having some control.

As for the VCM it has been a month away for the last 15-16 months now, but I am waiting for this before I decide simply because of the real-time tuning capability.

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As for the VCM it has been a month away for the last 15-16 months now, but I am waiting for this before I decide simply because of the real-time tuning capability.

The Ford PCM is long way from being Real-time capable. Not saying its impossble. But the internal operations of the Ford PCm make it very difficult to do such a thing.

The GM stuff isnt "fully real time" capable either.. read the fine print. they can only have X amount of data in the RAM at any one time.

The Flash routines are all internal to the ford, the GM requires you to upload a loader to do such things. This allows you to customise a loader to behave anyway you want. (obviously with matching modifications to the main code to refrence a table in ram instead of flash memory)


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Ohh, and on the Vin Locking bitching...

As I Personally know jerry, I asked him, why dont they have a "hptuner style" all you can eat workshop priced at xxxx grand...

his response simply was

"SCT is our day job.. Hptuners have a day job"... Which brings a valid point. Their R&D needs to be paid for somehow.

If it wasn’t for Capa approaching SCT and investing their time and money to save us ford drivers in Australia..... What else would we have? Interceptors?


Edited by Headsex
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I hear what your saying, however isn't the biggest advantage of the box, is the fact that it can store 4 tunes and you can swab between them whenever you like?

Yes it is an advantage but most of the tuning I do have the customers only request one tune. The Valet mode/low octane tune option are rarely used. The LS1 crowd have been living with the one tune option for over 6 years now with. With a 2nd PCM being available for a nominal price for the LS1's, only a few are opting for a 2nd pcm/tune option.

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