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Bottom End Gave Up At 248rwkw


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This is what I have been told to funny thing is that all engine claims since 2003 have had to be checked from somebody at head office.

That is they send somebody to the dealer to check the car over.

A mate of mine had his motor claim knock back because the exhaust bolts had been undone.

He had a after market exhaust on and when the motor blow he refitted the standard exhaust and they could see that the exhaust had been played with.


The gasket could have gone $.50c part and the exhaust was dropped to replace it.

That sounds a bit far fetched.

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This is what I have been told to funny thing is that all engine claims since 2003 have had to be checked from somebody at head office.

That is they send somebody to the dealer to check the car over.

A mate of mine had his motor claim knock back because the exhaust bolts had been undone.

He had a after market exhaust on and when the motor blow he refitted the standard exhaust and they could see that the exhaust had been played with.


The gasket could have gone $.50c part and the exhaust was dropped to replace it.

That sounds a bit far fetched.

No they could see the whole exhaust had been off also the exhaust was cleaner than the under side of the car.


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This is what I have been told to funny thing is that all engine claims since 2003 have had to be checked from somebody at head office.

That is they send somebody to the dealer to check the car over.

A mate of mine had his motor claim knock back because the exhaust bolts had been undone.

He had a after market exhaust on and when the motor blow he refitted the standard exhaust and they could see that the exhaust had been played with.


The gasket could have gone $.50c part and the exhaust was dropped to replace it.

That sounds a bit far fetched.

No they could see the whole exhaust had been off also the exhaust was cleaner than the under side of the car.


Sounds crap to me. To proof there really.

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Ive been told the same thing by FoMoCo, the last flash update allowed them to pick up the use of edit via logged error codes.


I am a Ford Tech going about my bussiness.

In strolls a bloke with cap on backwards, saying Fully Sic, the cruise at Maccas on Friday was great, hey dude check out my twenties.

Ford Tech looks across, and sees a ute with Gronk number plates. Up for a bit of a stir. He engages formentioned loud mouth in conversation.

Loud mouth then sprouts off on Forum how edit is so detectable.


PS lucky I am powerchipped eh Fat.

It's not only edit that is now detectable it's any current or previous alterations to the ECU. Ie, unichip or powerchip as well

And if you press the accelerator pedal quickly or apply to much brake pressure or break traction the ECU records a demerit point, After five demerit points are accumulated the ECU goes in to limp home mode with the SAT NAV directing you to the nearest ford dealer. :tease:

the dealer told me so it must be true, I disconnect my battery every night to clear the demerit points and then rap my car in aluminum foil to prevent the satellites from detecting the disconnected battery. :blink:

I couldn't care less if you believe it or not but it's now a fact. The worst thing about it is the tool used to do it is not available to dealers but is used by the inspectors that approve warranty claims. I can see it becoming part of the course now that all claims where a engine or gearbox has launched itself require the car being checked for PCM alterations

its now a fact??

have you connected it to your own car and tested it?? nothings fatc till your shown its fact. And even then they can bullshiat about it. A code has to be logged, if it cant belogged it cant be recorded.

like I said... lucky im stock :gooff: as is someone else that had recent issues (he must be real lucky) :spoton:

O2STOCK :spit:

My car hasn't been edited so there's not alot of point looking for something that's not there, and like I said the dealers don't have this tool it's the inspectors that approve warranty claims.

My old man is the workshop foreman at a dealership, he was at a training day in Melbourne this week and they were shown it then.

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And if you press the accelerator pedal quickly or apply to much brake pressure or break traction the ECU records a demerit point, After five demerit points are accumulated the ECU goes in to limp home mode with the SAT NAV directing you to the nearest ford dealer. :spit:

the dealer told me so it must be true, I disconnect my battery every night to clear the demerit points and then rap my car in aluminum foil to prevent the satellites from detecting the disconnected battery.  :rolleyes:

The alfoil is a bit of an overkill isn't it? Satellites won't work through the garage roof :fool:

Better to be safe than sorry though I guess :nod:

TAB I don’t have any insulation in the roof over the garage, will this make any difference to the venerability factor of being exposed to satellite detection rate(SDR) if so what is the ratio of SDR reduction if I had insulation ?

Should I be worried

Thank goodness im O2STOCK anyway

Edited by O2STOCK
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seems to me fellas that if you have your computer tuned to anything other than stock then you have the ability and means to replace broken parts yourselves. And just for reference if I was in this position for the same reason I'd cop it on the chin, same as I did when I was uninsured and hit a 4x4 wheel. sump/crossmember and a sh*tload of other parts later I have learned about my motor vehicle and have the satisfaction of fixing everything myself. Sumps are a *beep* to remove and refit too lmfao. 22hrs just to remove the whole front suspension/k frame/ front suspension crossmember. Thanks for your time

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Stupid question, but if you were to buy a new short motor / block etc from Ford, does it have a new engine number stamped into the block or do you stamp your original number into it?

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