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Is this a good price x 14 threads merged...


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  • Member For: 21y 7m 26d
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many cars get damage on one or more panels when in transport.

these issues are fixed at no cost of the dealer, but obviously wont tell you 'hey, jut letting you know this car im trying to sell you has been in a bit of an accident, nothing big but the doors and qtr. panel had to come off.. if you look here you can see...' HAHA

I cant see them doing anything but saying its perfectly new and its not an issue; ti which Id respond, for my $60,000.00 it is an issue even if it is a ford, which makes it your issue, what will you do about it.

If they wont do anything, go elsewhere mate, there are alot of dealers who will do whatever you need done, within reason, to keep you happy which keeps them happy.

Im having the same discussion about about a few stone chips on a demo, they are keen to respray what ever is needed to my satisfaction at their cost.

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that's normal and acceptable for Ford standard.

Bonnet and guards are usually where the problems lie however, don't be suprised if the next one that comes in isnt the same, the harder you look for this kinda crap the more you will see with issues.

Its the sad reality with high production cars and very little QA.

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Have seen a F6 that I want at the dealer its brand new, 19's leather, auto, steering wheel, but the left side of the cars where the Front door and back door meet the gap is bigger than the other side but other f6's I have seen are not like this, its noticlibly larger and the back door where it meets rear quater it is noticlibly smaller? Dealer says its not a BMW or Merc to have it perfect.

What do I do? can this be adjusted???

ALso the bonnet has the same prob to much on one side.

Is it worth paying the money for a brand new car with panels that arnt aligned properly?

since you get kick arse employee pricing... why dont you get kick arse employee service?? surely they would fix it for you?

and why would you get anything that's in the lot when you can order to your exact requirements with the employee pricing??

good choice the F6 though :spit:

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Oh and whats the difference between ordering off the lot and from the factory?

Last time I checked I dont think it makes any difference whether the car is sold before it rolls down the line, at the end of the day the stocks already sold to dealers so its not like your getting a special preference when it comes to build quality.

As for the body being bent was a load of crud, its a simple miss alignment of the rear door, which wouldnt be worth fixing providing none of the panels rub as it will more then likely be worse after they play with it.

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Do they fit the doors before they paint it at the factory? cause I know they come of at some stage of the production to get windows and door moulds fitted and then put back on, but there painted before that, so wont the screw get damaged then? Or is there some special spanner or something to put it on without damaging the bolts?

They also have a lighting strike one there july build doors are aligned properly but the colour is not what I want.

guess its the Bionic one from SYdney which they said has the panels aligned perfect from what they said.

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