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Biggest Cruise Ever


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Hi All, just posting here, I have PM'd Goldie, and he said he will move this to the QLD cruise section ASAP. This event needs a strong Blue Oval showing!

Howdy all,

Well it's been sometime since I dusted off my cruise boots and got something happening, and a unique oppurtunity has crossed my path, so I have decided to put a few things together and have another big event.

This time with NATIONAL news coverage, AND a Police Escort.

Some may be aware, some may not, but I am the current Gold Coast Ambassador, and also an Ambassador for Bravehearts, a charity that protects and councils children affected by sexual abuse, and the benificiary of the funds raised by this cruise.

And it will be a MASSIVE event. This will be your chance to have your car shown on NATIONAL news, in a GOOD light, and showing that the 'hoon' community can do some good. I have also gotten the BUACA (Bikers United Against Child Abuse) organisation bringing all their members as well, and Mack Trucks supplying a large contigent of trucks to join the convoy.

This cruise isnt about a long drive, in fact the drive itself will take approx 40mins, however, it is the cause that is important. Child abuse is something that must be brought into the light as often as possible, as many times this kids cant protect themselves, and have their lives shattered by those they thought they could trust.

All I ask, is that EVERYONE able to attend, come along to this event, the meeting place WILL be a bit chaotic, and it will be a mission to get everyone out and moving effectivly, so the Police have been engaged to provide assistance in keeping lights open, and intersections free, as well as providing an escort for the trip itself. They have ASSURED me, they will NOT be setting up defect stations or the like, (for those who wish to be negative and try and stir that up).

So without further adu I will give you some details, please also see attached PDF file for poster if you want more info.

DATE: Saturday Nov 4th

TIME: 9am for a 10.15am Departure.

LOCATION TO MEET: Beenleigh Tavern Car Park Just off the M1 at Beenleigh.

WHILE YOU WAIT: There will be a Sausage Sizzle, a raffle with some awesome prizes and some vehicle displays.

DESTINATION: Carrara Sports Complex - Nerang Broadbeach Rd - Nerang (Exit off the M1 directly leads to this venue. Exit 69)

ARRIVE: Est 11am.

AFTER YOU ARRIVE: Emerald Lakes Golf Course (Opposite the Carrara Stadium) is having a FUN DAY, it is a GOLD COIN to enter and there is a heap of activities, free drinks (suppiled by Coca Cola) and things to do over at the Golf Course. There will be games for people to play, and prizes to be won, all being organised and supplied by Emerald Lakes Golf Course.

that's it. It doesnt get much simpler than this, and for such a great cause to support. The reason for this is to get the message of Bravehearts out there in the open more, and for a COMMUNITY to band together and support something. (And by community I mean 'us hoons'.) This is a chance to really make an impact and perhaps, just perhaps change public perception a little bit.

All funds raised from Donations, Raffles, and entry to Emerald Lakes is for the benifit of Bravehearts.

If you are a member of a Car club, such as the Monaro Club, I REALLY want to try and get some of these car clubs on board, this will be great exposure for you. Please contact your Club Presisdent and see what he/she has to say on the matter, if they wish to contact me I can be reached via PM here, or on 0413 994 137, Phonecall being the best way to reach me atm, as things are a little chaotic!

So yeah, that's about it. Lets make this MASSIVE. Get ya car on National News, and have it shown in a GOOD light, all the while supporting a cause that really needs all your help.

This is even one event were some younger drivers might even invite their parents. This is all about a GOOD cruise. What we all love and enjoy.

Of course it goes without saying that stupid behaviour will not be tolerated on this cruise. I really don't think anyone would be THAT dumb to ruin something that could be so good.

Take care.


p.s the title is obviously a bit of fun, im sure all can appreciate that.

p.p.s for your reference I have been running events like this for a LONG time. Hope you can make it!

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Please note the following!! :::

I am concerned about lack of space at the venue, however, this is the place the Bravehearts Assoc have chosen as their meeting venue.

That was out of my hands PLEASE be aware of this. Traffic will be NASTY on the day until we hit the M1.


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This is a cruise for EVERYONE, this isn't 'forum' restricted, I welcome, in fact, encourage 'all' clubs to attend, as you will recieve National News coverage, and it will show your club in a positive light.

Also, for donations to Bravehearts, there will be a markee set up in the morning for people to make donations. A reciept will be given, (tax deductable) I ask all to give deeply, this is what Bravehearts rely's on to help young kids, who can't help themselves.

This cruise is a win/win event, the more that see that the better, so please spread the word.

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In the right section chris hope all goes well.

I will check to see if I can make it.


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Fully Sic..

will still be this side of the border on that day :laughing:

will check my schedule


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We are hoping to have 500+ cars. We have Red Bull doing giveaways all morning, a sausage sizzle and more shiny sh*t poking out from cars than you can poke a stick at :P

Most of all, we just want numbers to show a unity against Child Abuse in this world.

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