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Any Interest In A New Bonnet


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I agree it is the best looking bonnet I have seen for the T/F6.

All you need now is a little red light going side to side like knight rider :spoton:

I think the money is about right as the Ford OEM T bonnets are $1800 unpainted.

There is a lot of work to go into making a work of art like that, so you will be paying for quality.

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I was parked beside Wayne at the Gold Coast All Ford day on the weekend and I can tell everyone, that this bonnet is the absolute best Ive seen so far. The finish was superb, and it's all metal. It is also much better seeing it in real life than the pics. This bonnet is the bee's knees. See I told you Wayne, if you release your bonnet, once it gets out and people see it, they'll be knocking your door down.

As I said to you, Im intersted in one.



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I should have not clicked on this thread

1) I love it

2) I have a Merc Silv BF F6

3) I'm living in Canberra!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: I'm thinking even without the main intake it could work. Just wondering what it might look like with a smaller intake of some sort?

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Can't really be referred to as a tranny with that bonnet...but if not a tranny than what?


Maybe just fully sik :spoton:

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Great work mate looks awesome! :spit::msm:

As much as there is alot involved in putting this together.

The interest is there, I think if there was a group buy around the $1500 painted then at least it's a start and I'm sure you'd have an order of 10 without too much fuss. Or considering your cost and obtaining our factory bonnets for trade in might be worth your while instead of buying them from ford.

I'm definately interested.

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A lot of thought has gone into the design to make it appealing (to atleast me).

* A V8 bulge bonnet is too expensive to build from.

* The bonnet has been designed to maintain the structural integrity of the bonnet and to have the clearance need for most motor modifications.

* My preferred medium at the moment is Steel, I may consider Fibreglass later.

* Each bonnet would be build from an Original Ford Bonnet

* Each bonnet would be individually custom cut and finished

* My present bonnet has cost well over $2k and inorder to turn out these bonnets at $2000 would cost in excess of another $10,000 investment.

* I'm still investigating costs however at $2,000 it would take a fair number of bonnets to cover costs.

* Why am I considering doing it

- To control my Design to ensure any copies made are a reasonable quality.

- If my Bonnet is damaged I would like to be able to replace it.

* I'm not really interested in changing the design however comments will be considered and grills could be easily changed or painted.

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Congratulations on a nice bit of work, as most have said it is one of best looking designs presented so far.

Just have a question about drainage, the rear vents are in set so would collect water. You mention drainage hoses, is there some internal ducting, etc to control water, as dumping it on the electrics, etc will eventually cause problems ?

I'm not really interested in changing the design however comments will be considered and grills could be easily changed or painted.

Just wondering if you would consider doing the rear vents on a V8 bonnet (ie no intake in the front). It should be easy to do as the rear vent install should be the same as the standard bonnet, and it will give you a different option and maybe cheaper to produce as there is considerably less work (I imagine most work is in the front vent/ strengthing, etc). That way you can address the Boss and I6 market for no extra development costs !!!



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  Just have a question about drainage, the rear vents are in set so would collect water. You mention drainage hoses, is there some internal ducting, etc to control water, as dumping it on the electrics, etc will eventually cause problems ?

The Motor is designed to have some water go in through the front grill in the rain or car wash. If you pressure wash the car water will go in throught the vents. I have made some plastic cover for the vents but haven't bothered using them when washing the car yet.

The vents at the back do have drip trays which run down under the liner and run out in the gap between the motor and fan. I haven't been under the car in the rain to test it yet but I believe it will work.

The Front vent doesn't have a drip tray but will only let rain in like the front grill when driving.

You can get more bugs into the engine bay through the front vent. I'm having my car bra modified so that it will allow air but trap bugs.

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Would it be possible to add the rear vents to a bonnet scoop like I have?

I like the concept but think that front on it's a little busy.

Here's a pic of mine, I look forward to your thoughts.


Geea. :laughing:

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