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My Dyno Sheet - 311.6rwkw


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Guys.. Question..

I notice both of you are making over 260rwkw, so you both had injectors done.. But, why is the boost not holding all the way from 15psi all the way thru the rev range.. I can understand why you would ramp it down to like 9psi if you had standard injectors.... What am I missing ???

Trying to protect conrods? Because personally if that's the case, its the Hard hitting boost which bends/breaks the rods, Not the total power.. .. you could run 350rwkw with standard rods, as long as the boost came in gently..


Edited by Headsex
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Guys.. Question..

I notice both of you are making over 260rwkw, so you both had injectors done.. But, why is the boost not holding all the way from 15psi all the way thru the rev range.. I can understand why you would ramp it down to like 9psi if you had standard injectors.... What am I missing ???

Trying to protect conrods? Because personally if that's the case, its the Hard hitting boost which bends/breaks the rods, Not the total power.. .. you could run 350rwkw with standard rods, as long as the boost came in gently..


mate, mine is running 304rwkw with 15psi but goes down to 11psi higher in the rev range. Its been tuned this way to help ease problems with the valve springs, and also the standard actuator might have problems holding 15psi all the way through.. at least that's why I think its been tuned that way :spit: that's just the way I understood it.

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mate, mine is running 304rwkw with 15psi but goes down to 11psi higher in the rev range. Its been tuned this way to help ease problems with the valve springs, and also the standard actuator might have problems holding 15psi all the way through.. at least that's why I think its been tuned that way  :spit:  that's just the way I understood it.

I guess, valve spring makes sense... But actuator.. interesting! I have heard comments changing the actuator controls boost much better :P


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mate, mine is running 304rwkw with 15psi but goes down to 11psi higher in the rev range. Its been tuned this way to help ease problems with the valve springs, and also the standard actuator might have problems holding 15psi all the way through.. at least that's why I think its been tuned that way  :spoton:  that's just the way I understood it.

I guess, valve spring makes sense... But actuator.. interesting! I have heard comments changing the actuator controls boost much better :P


maybe its not actuator? I thought it was... buggered if I know mate. One of the more "educated" people will be able to clear it up mate.

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Heres mine. I dont have one with the boost on it but I run about 15psi and 750 nm of torque. Next time I go down I will get them to do one with the boost and one with the torque. The cars off the road at the moment getting so work done on it and Iam stuck driving my ba e-gas ute and my better half's mazda 121 :censored:. Really miss the power of the xr


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<div class='bbimg'>
</div><a href='http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/jetpilot1/dynocharts068.jpg' target='_blank'></a>

I still think there is a little left in it.

That is one fat power curve! I cant wait to have my trans rebuilt so I can get some decent low-down power. My car is running around the low 300's and is boring to drive! I need the big turbo rush! soon! very soon! :laughing:

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<div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'>
</div></div><a href='http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/jetpilot1/dynocharts068.jpg' target='_blank'></a>

I still think there is a little left in it.

That is one fat power curve! I cant wait to have my trans rebuilt so I can get some decent low-down power. My car is running around the low 300's and is boring to drive! I need the big turbo rush! soon! very soon! :laughing:

:spoton: Greedy Pr!ck

Having dry road traction issues in 1st & 2nd wouldn't be considered boring by most peoples standards.

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<div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'>
</div></div></div><a href='http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/jetpilot1/dynocharts068.jpg' target='_blank'></a>

I still think there is a little left in it.

That is one fat power curve! I cant wait to have my trans rebuilt so I can get some decent low-down power. My car is running around the low 300's and is boring to drive! I need the big turbo rush! soon! very soon! :pinch:

:spit: Greedy Pr!ck

Having dry road traction issues in 1st & 2nd wouldn't be considered boring by most peoples standards.

Traction issues who's having them??? :glad: I'm serious my car really is boring. The boost comes on at like 7psi the slowly tapers up to 13-14psi at the top. Only breaks traction when it's really cold weather (a CIA will help this instead of the Hot Air Intake I have ATM). It hardly feels quicker than when it was 260rw. :kissmy:

A big boost spike will fix it in the bottom end power!!!! (and maybe even the bottom end)

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here you go muz, my dyno graph, with boost. As you can see, it comes on hard at 15psi, then tapers down. Gets the car moving quite quickly though :spoton:


<div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'>
</div></div></div></div></div><a href='http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/jetpilot1/dynocharts068.jpg' target='_blank'></a>

I still think there is a little left in it.

That is one fat power curve! I cant wait to have my trans rebuilt so I can get some decent low-down power. My car is running around the low 300's and is boring to drive! I need the big turbo rush! soon! very soon! :spoton:

:spit: Greedy Pr!ck

Having dry road traction issues in 1st & 2nd wouldn't be considered boring by most peoples standards.

Traction issues who's having them??? :fool: I'm serious my car really is boring. The boost comes on at like 7psi the slowly tapers up to 13-14psi at the top. Only breaks traction when it's really cold weather (a CIA will help this instead of the Hot Air Intake I have ATM). It hardly feels quicker than when it was 260rw. :crybaby:

A big boost spike will fix it in the bottom end power!!!! (and maybe even the bottom end)

you need boost to come on like mine mate :spoton: gives a great shove in the back!

edit: doh! my image didn't show up.. got back to the first page and you'll see :pinch:

Edited by JimmyXR6T04
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