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How Many 'diy'ers Do We Have Here


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I'm curious how many people here have their own SCT Advantage tuning software. Seeing the 'home tuner' package isn't available who's lashed out and bought the dealer software?

Reading several posts lately it appears that some have gone down this path. How are you finding the software and what results have you seen? Do you find it easy to use and what version of the software is it.

I purchased the software back in April '05, mainly for the ability to modify my own car without having to go elsewhere. I've also the SCT Data logger to aid with the tuning, along with other tools like Innovate LM-1 wide band O2 sensor. Having tuned my own LS1 over the period of 4 years prior to buying the XR6T and F6, I find the SCT software straight forward to use.

I don't intend this topic to turn into a workshop/tuning business vs. 'DIY' sh*t fight, so I'll state this from the start :wtf:

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  DBOSS said:
I thought this thread was about muf divers :msm:

In that case I've tuned many :wtf:

I haven't any experience with 4" dump pipes ......... or cats for that matter :msm:

Back on track..... good to see people are using their initiative though and learning the more scientific side of mechanics :blush:

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  • Big Gun
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  IH8TOADS said:
  DBOSS said:
I thought this thread was about muf divers :msm:

In that case I've tuned many :wtf:

I haven't any experience with 4" dump pipes ......... or cats for that matter :msm:

Back on track..... good to see people are using their initiative though and learning the more scientific side of mechanics :blush:


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  tupperware said:
I'd love to have the full software but can't justify the thousands.  From memory it was around $6K .... is that still right?


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  CAPA said:
Home tuner. 2 weeks.

I'd buy VCM if it was avail for Fords... oh wait

  VCM Aust said:
VCM Suite for Fords is just around the corner, can't say much but it'll be released this year in a month starting with 'J' :spoton:

C'moooon Joctober! :blink:

Are CAPA still charging $600 for upgrades that dont work?

Kudos to those that have had the plumbs to buy the full package though, I've heard it can be a bit of tough love at times re: upgrades/support.

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  • Member of team Kittens
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Not got my own copy, but did lash out some coin to attend the first Nizpro tuning workshop to get a better understanding of the capabilities and approach to tuning using the advantage software and capa ford flasher. At that point I was seriously contemplating getting the software, but the final cost for the current mod program was more than I had orginally intenting to spend so the software is on the back burner indefinitely.

cheers, :spoton:


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