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The Ugly Word - Insurance


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  • Member For: 19y 4m 5d
  • Location: Melbourne (alias Mexico)

Sorry to be a bore on this one but hopefully the replies generated will benefit others in my age bracket.

I'm 38 yrs and got my insurance renewal on my XR6T 2005.

Last year it cost me $860 with standard excess, rating A1 etc. I'm with RACV and I have never had any claims since I have been with them for 14 years now.

To my surprise, the renewal I got was not for $917 which is $60+ jump on the last year....and on a car that's one year older and a market value which will obviously be lower now than last year.

Anyway...being surprised by this increase I contacted RACV to justify it and their reply was that it's most likely because there may have been more insurance claims in the suburb that I live in...which is outer eastern (Train zone 2 in Mexico).

....so to cut the story short, I'm trying to look for insurance that can at least stay the same....and that appears not to be easy even for the 38 yr old.

I tried AAMI online and got $990 quote. Then I was hoping Budget Direct would do me a good deal as my father (in his 60's, same suburb) has his BA XR8 insured with them for under $750....what a deal, hey? I thought they will have no worries to do me one for under $900 but to my surprise theirs is still more than the RACV renewal. So unless someone can suggest better deal, I guess I will be at the 'mercy' of RACV for at least another year.

....damn, smaller insurance premium must be one of few things to look forward to as one gets older.....I suppose.

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Call up AAMI as their online prices and phone prices vary greatly.

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  • Member For: 19y 9m 11d
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The stuff about the suburb is true, unfortunately that effects the premium. Im 25 and insured with CGU and pay $760, unfortunatly that's only cause im staff and my last day is today so on renewal it will be $1300. I think I will go back to RACV who I was with before, cost me $1100 odd through them last year.

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Im with HBA (cant remember who they are underwritten by..I will check when I get home)

With all mods included its costing me $872 a year..

Rating 1, 28 years old - 1 speeding ticket - garaged in Edithvale - 1 of the lowest crimes rates in melbourne.

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Get AAMI on the phone.

I'm a tad older than you,

live around the same area,

Have had a claim (a big one)

I pay $650 with $1000 excess (my choice)

Ps they let you have a few mods as well!! :spoton:

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  • Member For: 19y 4m 5d
  • Location: Melbourne (alias Mexico)

No good. :gooff: It seems to be the age thing that goes against you. Apparently once you pass 40, you can comfortably get $150-200 of again.

I tried BudgetDirect and they wanted $950. I even I called AAMI directly as was suggested and the best they could do for me was $990 with $500 excess.

Also it would be insured for a market value of only $34,000.....and that was for MKII T with barely 9000km and the following factory options: 18inchers, Leathers/Premo Sound with subbie, tints, tbar, tints and alarm.....I did not even bother telling them about the DVD/TV setup integrated with the colored LCD >:-\.

So, I'm back with RACV for another year and hope that the pricks don't sting me another $70 biggies next year.

Thanks to everyone that replied and offered suggestions

p.s. Whatever you do with your T's just make sure you don't crash them in Donvale :fool: ...... as that has apparently also lot to do with premiums moving up.

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I've moved from RAC to AAMI this week, as the RAC boosted my renewal quote by over $150, despite no claims (two minor speeding tickets though).

With AAMI, you can add a huuuuge excess, and cut the cost by up 50%.

As I haven't crashed for a while (tempts fate..) I've taken a "Flexi Premium Excess" of $1550, which has halved the premium to $438.

If I can manage not to claim for three years, It will cover the excess!

The policy also has a lifetime maximum no claims bonus, which I thought was great.

PS I'm 38.

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