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Force 6 And Force 8 Are Alive


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I STILL have no invite to the FPV Force release party :spoton:

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Seems as though the earlier FPV owners have been notified before the later ones, id say its got something to do with the fact that people with new ones are less likely to upgrade.

Nope, it's because the FPV marketing dept have NFI. Neither myself nor my brother with his BF GT have ever received our copies of Blueprint without having to specifically ask for them (two diff addresses, diff states).

For FPV marketing to stagger their releases based on when you bought your car would require a level of organisation that they could only dream of at the moment!

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I find it embarassing to see FPV, the people we all turn to to show the way, stagnant and letting the opposition treat this marque with total contempt!

A quick read of the latest Wheels etc on the HSV offerings makes you wonder just what the hell is going on at FPV. HSV have put their money where their mouths are and invested approx 12 million in the latest Magnetic Damper technology, they are only the 5th "manufacturer" world wide to do so. I know it seems like a gimmic but it actually does work, the system is on the latest Ferrari (test driver said it was the best handling car he had ever driven!).

Every HSV model change, however minor, has received a tweak in grunt etc. Now we're up to 307 Fwkw, improved braking again (as if they didn't stop well enough before), vastly improved handling and CONSISTENT sub 6 sec 0 - 100km/ hr times with 0 - 400m times sub 13's, probably mid 12's.

Do you know their mission? To subvert the European offerings, guess what, it'll work!

Unless you come across a 400 rwkw typhoon (nice work Shane!) why would you want to stuff around with aftermarket mods & associated probs? Unfortunately a lot of us do just to keep things honest. That's just bloody wrong!

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HSV have put their money where their mouths are...

Andrew, you've hit (at least one of the nails!) squarely on the head. That's probably a big bit of the problem for FPV........they're trying to run their business on a shoestring. Corners get cut, quality issues creep in, development work gets cut. As many car companies can attest from around the world, it costs big $$$ to design and develop cars, even if you're not building the things from scratch. If you don't have the coin, you're stuffed, or soon will be.

As an aside thought, why the do we "need" FPV? Why shouldn't Ford Aus have its own 100% owned and operated performance division, thereby giving its performance arm access to the much larger financial resources that Ford has access to? I mean, we have this Tom Gorman clown (CEO Ford Aust) carrying on how Ford MUST win Bathurst this year, yada, yada yada. If he's serious about Ford winning races, building better cars, and getting more "credibility", then maybe HE should put his money where his mouth is and develop a fully fledged performance arm of Ford. No, the money certainly isn't endless, but it may be a lot better than the financial handcuffs that FPV find themselves shackled with.

I'm sure 100 people will come back and say to me its been tried before etc and I'll look like a goose, but gee, there has to be a better way than the current situation? Is there?

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anybody would think you buy a car to make money, they cost more than women :spoton:

Ohh, that means I'm going to have to sell the T and buy a Lambo maybe even 2.

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I'm certainly NOT advocating that FPV scrap the BOSS engine and go through the massive expense of developing a whole new engine for the 18 months until Orion arrives...

Why not? They did for AU T-Series! :spoton:

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