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TSB/PIL Register


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I'm well aware that this may fall into the realm of 'wishful thinking', but I'd really like to see a proper BA/BF TSB/PIL register started.

I realise that only dealers normally have access to this, but surely there's some way of getting access even if it requires some $$

Hell, I'd donate another $50 to the site to get things going for example.

Perhaps people can post up the ones they've got?

It just irks me that there are genuine issues that people are having that may be rectified when a vehicle rolls in for service, if only the service chaps would look up outstanding TSBs for that vehicle!!

I'll start, though it's only a PIL:

Bulletin 95/04 - T56 service info.


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Be bloody great idea..

When I tried to get hand brake fixed I asked them about the TSB that had been put out about it.. They had no idea.. They had a "go" at trying to fix it but its still the same.

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I have a few on my warranty invoices at the office.

The only problem is they do not put the TSB number on my invoices, only the description of the TSB.

It is a good idea as many service places do not know about the TSB's and say items like the power steering shudder or hand brake shhshh noise is normal, when there are TSB's for them.

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My only question is about the legalities of hosting this information as there confidential documents that arent realy supposed to be released to the general public....

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It is a good idea as many service places do not know about the TSB's and say items like the power steering shudder or hand brake shhshh noise is normal, when there are TSB's for them.

Yep, some service departments (like where I bought my car from) seem right up on things, yet others seem put out that you're not just giving them the keys and walking away. Heaven forbid you should mention an issue with the car, and that Ford HQ aleady have a fix.

My steering has recently developed a 'creak' that is there sometimes, and not others at low speed (when parking etc). What are my chances they'll know about the TSB for that? Yeah right.

My only question is about the legalities of hosting this information as there confidential documents that arent realy supposed to be released to the general public....

Can we post of the TSB and what it relates to, the contents does not need to be posted up.

A reasonable compromise perhaps, as we don't want to cross and legally dodgy lines.

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