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Fuel With Ethanol

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I had mine tuned (Edit) to run on United Boost 98, have been using it for over 6 months and the cars runs just as it did running on BP Ultimate.

Bonus factor is that the United Boost 98 is only 3cents more than unleaded unlike BP Ultimate 10cents more than unleaded


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I also have been using United Boost 98 in my 03 XR6T for a while, and I have found it to be the best fuel for my T. I tried Vortex 95, BP Ultimate and Mobile Synergy, and the United Boost 98 came out on top, its cheap as, the car runs beautifully, gets good economy (I'm happy to get 400kms out of a tank with my driving) and good power. Best part is that it is cheap!

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I try and fill up on E10 too, but have noticed that E10 (95ron) isn't as smooth as 95ron standard fuel.

My previous car, which was a 2001 MX5 was tuned to be ran at 95ron, and it pinged when on E10 95ron, so I was a bit puzzled by that.

But the T runs fine on E10, but since fuel is getting so cheap (relatively) I might start putting in 98ron ethanol.

Edited by antigravity
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My understanding of the Ethanol Blend fuels, is that they have a higher oxygen content than 'normal' premium fuels. :unsure:

This would make it OK (maybe even beneficial) to run on a T which has a very rich factory tune. :thumbsup:

The problem is, once you have an edit(which generally runs leaner & hence gives you better economy) it would, IMHO, make it much more susceptible to pinging/detonation when running an Ethanol Blend, especially in the hotter months. :bomb::nono:

I would suggest that you either have it tuned for that particular fuel or run a 95RON Map when using it in summer, just to be safe.

Just my 2c worth.

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  • 4 months later...
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  • Member For: 19y 9m 17d
I try and fill up on E10 too, but have noticed that E10 (95ron) isn't as smooth as 95ron standard fuel.

My previous car, which was a 2001 MX5 was tuned to be ran at 95ron, and it pinged when on E10 95ron, so I was a bit puzzled by that.

But the T runs fine on E10, but since fuel is getting so cheap (relatively) I might start putting in 98ron ethanol.

You will normally find that the first tank will run rough.. You need to run a few tank in unison to feel the benefit.... I use E10 98 all the time.. I am guessing I get my fuel from the same station as Cooltint.. IFS at Ashmore across from Holden.... I love the stuff,, the ute run smoother crisper and is just better all round....

I do have one query though.... I heard that Gea added Nulon Octane booster to a tank of E10 and it reacted to his fuel, which cause his fuel to congeal and blocked his fuel lines... Can anyone confirm this,, As I have been think about adding Octane booster to my tank when I go racing..

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