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New 6 Speed Trans Overheating


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Hi Im new to this, I have a BF turbo and took it on a track a few months ago. It was alot of fun. After about five laps the trans went into safe mode ( D light on dash just keeps flashing ) Had to drive around slowly for a few laps to let the car cool down, I would then get a couple more laps and the same thing would happen.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Remember the BA does not have the same cooling setup as the BF.

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A secondary cooler would be your best bet.

I beleive that the F6's have 2 coolers to keep the box cool. I have not had the same problem on the track as you.

It could also be the way yo are driving it. Are you using the gearbox to slow the car down ? This generates a lot of heat. FYI.

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  • F6+300+
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Hi Im new to this, I have a BF turbo and took it on a track a few months ago. It was alot of fun. After about five laps the trans went into safe mode ( D light on dash just keeps flashing ) Had to drive around slowly for a few laps to let the car cool down, I would then get a couple more laps and the same thing would happen.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Remember the BA does not have the same cooling setup as the  BF.

You sure it’s overheating?

Hard to get a ZF hot as it spends 99% of its time in Lockup, so minimal converter action except for a split second during gear change.

Usually stall is the only time you would have heat buildup, unless of course the clutch packs are slipping.

However I have noticed whilst doing some testing towards getting a good 60ft that the transmission is quite smart and makes a lot of decisions on its own and often locks out modes and gears. This quite often catches you off guard if your not aware of why.

The flashing D could mean a few thinks but I have noticed that if I miss a gear in the Auto when in manual mode and bounce off the limiter it spits it at times and goes the “Flashing D” Turn the key off count to 10 and start it and its fine.

If you where doing track work did u hit the limiter at all during that time?

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  • Team Bute
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Hi Im new to this, I have a BF turbo and took it on a track a few months ago. It was alot of fun. After about five laps the trans went into safe mode ( D light on dash just keeps flashing ) Had to drive around slowly for a few laps to let the car cool down, I would then get a couple more laps and the same thing would happen.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Remember the BA does not have the same cooling setup as the  BF.

You sure it’s overheating?

Hard to get a ZF hot as it spends 99% of its time in Lockup, so minimal converter action except for a split second during gear change.

Usually stall is the only time you would have heat buildup, unless of course the clutch packs are slipping.

However I have noticed whilst doing some testing towards getting a good 60ft that the transmission is quite smart and makes a lot of decisions on its own and often locks out modes and gears. This quite often catches you off guard if your not aware of why.

The flashing D could mean a few thinks but I have noticed that if I miss a gear in the Auto when in manual mode and bounce off the limiter it spits it at times and goes the “Flashing D” Turn the key off count to 10 and start it and its fine.

If you where doing track work did u hit the limiter at all during that time?

I beg to differ...

Drive an auto hard, and it definitely warms up very quickly too.

Many guys have found their auto trans overheating during track work. And it doesn't take too many laps either.

Diffs too. Oil boiling and pissing out of breather. Not real flash for a so called performance car!

Solution is a good sized auxilliary trans cooler, easily fitted in front of the radiator.

As to diff oil boil over.....

Don't know if its possible to weld some cooling fins onto diff housing to help dissipate heat?

If really serious about track work, I guess you could fit a pump and oil cooler for it too...

Otherwise drive smoother, keep the radius of the turns as wide as possible (start wide , come in to apex, finish out wide) .... reduce the increased slip inherent with taking sharper turns. I wonder if power sliding (a' la drifting) would mean less differential speed between each rear wheel, therefore reduced heat buildup :blink:

As you get pulled over for another sideways excursion on the street.......

"Honestly Ossiffer... I was only trying to reduce the heat build up in my diff." :nono:

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  • Member For: 18y 5m 20d
Hi Im new to this, I have a BF turbo and took it on a track a few months ago. It was alot of fun. After about five laps the trans went into safe mode ( D light on dash just keeps flashing ) Had to drive around slowly for a few laps to let the car cool down, I would then get a couple more laps and the same thing would happen.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Remember the BA does not have the same cooling setup as the  BF.

You sure it’s overheating?

Hard to get a ZF hot as it spends 99% of its time in Lockup, so minimal converter action except for a split second during gear change.

Usually stall is the only time you would have heat buildup, unless of course the clutch packs are slipping.

However I have noticed whilst doing some testing towards getting a good 60ft that the transmission is quite smart and makes a lot of decisions on its own and often locks out modes and gears. This quite often catches you off guard if your not aware of why.

The flashing D could mean a few thinks but I have noticed that if I miss a gear in the Auto when in manual mode and bounce off the limiter it spits it at times and goes the “Flashing D” Turn the key off count to 10 and start it and its fine.

If you where doing track work did u hit the limiter at all during that time?

I beg to differ...

Drive an auto hard, and it definitely warms up very quickly too.

Many guys have found their auto trans overheating during track work. And it doesn't take too many laps either.

Diffs too. Oil boiling and pissing out of breather. Not real flash for a so called performance car!

Solution is a good sized auxilliary trans cooler, easily fitted in front of the radiator.

As to diff oil boil over.....

Don't know if its possible to weld some cooling fins onto diff housing to help dissipate heat?

If really serious about track work, I guess you could fit a pump and oil cooler for it too...

Otherwise drive smoother, keep the radius of the turns as wide as possible (start wide , come in to apex, finish out wide) .... reduce the increased slip inherent with taking sharper turns. I wonder if power sliding (a' la drifting) would mean less differential speed between each rear wheel, therefore reduced heat buildup :blink:

As you get pulled over for another sideways excursion on the street.......

"Honestly Ossiffer... I was only trying to reduce the heat build up in my diff." :nono:

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The trans is overheating because after twomore laps it comes good for two more laps, then it happens again.

I have spoken to several people who do coolers and they dontknow much about the new trans.

I want to know if anyone has had similar problems and can you get it fixed without causing a problem with ford.

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  • F6+300+
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It may well be overheating due to many reasons but the six speed is a lot different to the old 4 speeds by way of lockup minimizing converter action.

They also have a thermostat to ensure the Trans warms to operating temperature ASAP to reduce friction and improve fuel consumption (selling point) this may be playing up and simply causing it to run hot by not functioning correctly.

I personally don’t think it warrants a second cooler. I’d be checking a few simple things first. ie. The cooling sytsem.

What does Ford do if you need a tow pack on a six speed ZF?

Simply tell Ford it gets hot when towing and I'm sure they will check-out the basics.....mmm Ford??|??? Maybe not :blink:

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If it has a cooler fitted from the factory it obviously isnt doing its job!

Dont go fitting another cooler.

When our cars overheat, we dont fit another aux radiator, we fit a bigger, better radiator.

Dont band aid the problem, fix it properly.

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  • Team Kickass
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If it has a cooler fitted from the factory it obviously isnt doing its job!

Dont go fitting another cooler.

When our cars overheat, we dont fit another aux radiator, we fit a bigger, better radiator.

Dont band aid the problem, fix it properly.

I tend to think the same and it would save room to.

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My C6 used to boil its oil in the space of 400m with one cooler, fitting a 2nd cooler in line with the 1st one reduced track use temperature to regular road driving temps, it was fitted with reverse shift pattern and 4500 Allfast convertor I may add

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