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Ford Performance Racing Evening


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  • Cruise Whore
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Sounds great, count me in.

Hi Robin, good to hear and look forward to seeing you and that powerful beast you have :nono:

Put my name on the list Please

Hi Deek, thanks and it will be nice to see you again. :laughing:

Put me down as a possibilty to, I might be interstate at that time so I will know on a later date.

Hi Fat-Tony, (or am I misunderstanting McWristy) :nono: - I've placed you in the possibles list. Thanks.

If Bullets ready I will come too Gary  :spoton:

Hi Dave, thanks and likewise, nice to see you and your sliding machine again :spoton:


1. EvilDaifu

2. shockF6 (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

3. Adam (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

4. TUFXRT6 (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

5. Phevor (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

6. Dynowog

7. Mr Turbo and his father.


9. xlnt6

10. deek

11. Goldbullet

12. Watto (via PM)


1. Fat-Tony (maybe interstate then)

Edited by EvilDaifu
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  • Cruise Whore
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Hi Guys,

I have more details on the FPR night and it looks even better now. I'll update the first post when I have a faster Internet link, but here is the update in a nutshell.

Evening is by invite only and I have to provide numbers to FPR by 12 October, so please post up by then if you would like to come along. Once I have numbers, I will give you an admission ticket (available on the night when I see you there). It's still all free of charge. But please let me know as soon as possible as numbers are limited, according to FPR.

Date and time have now been confirmed Thu 26 Oct 6-8pm.

Both Jason Bright and Mark Winterbottom will be in attendance. The night will feature interview sessions with both our drivers, autograph sessions, workshop tours, talks from key FPR personnel, as well as prizes available for motorsport trivia and a tyre change competition!

Finger food as well as tea and coffee will be available on the night so I'll scrap the dinner at La Porchetta.

FPR will also be offering 15% off all Official FPR Merchandise. (Interstate and out-of-Melbourne guys, let me know if you want anything - just check the FPR website for available merchandise and PM me - I'll send you my bank deposit details and if you pay me upfront, I'll get it for you - may need to pay me for postage too unless I can drop it off to you somehow as I will be going on the combined States Snowy cruise).

As well as us, the night will also be attended by the FPV & XR Owners Club of Victoria and the FPR TEAM BLUE members.

Combined, this should make for a great few hours :pooh:

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Hi Gary,

I will be attending unless I have to go interstate for work. A friend of my really wants to come along (if possible).

How many people will be attending this event all up??

I think this will turn out to be a huge event!!! :spoton:

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  • Cruise Whore
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That's great and hope your mate can come along :blush:

Please let me know when your mate confirms.

Here's the lastest attendance list - 16 people so far :fool:


1. EvilDaifu + 2

2. shockF6

3. Adam

4. TUFXRT6 + 1

5. Phevor

6. Dynowog

7. Mr Turbo and his father.


9. xlnt6

10. deek

11. Goldbullet

12. Watto (via PM)

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  • Cruise Whore
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Gary, put me down as confirmed as I wont be taking holidays at that time so I will be in melb. :gooff:

Cheers Adam

Hi Adam,

Thanks and will be good to see you again :fool:

ATTENDEE LIST: = 17 People :blush:

1. EvilDaifu + 2

2. shockF6

3. Adam

4. TUFXRT6 + 1

5. Phevor

6. Dynowog

7. Mr Turbo and his father.


9. xlnt6

10. deek

11. Goldbullet

12. Watto (via PM)

13. Fat-Tony

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Hi iam new to the forums and am really interested in attending this evening to meet some of you guys.

so can I get 4 tickets if possible.


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  • Cruise Whore
  • Moderating Team
  • Member For: 19y 6m 25d
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  • Location: Melbourne
Hi iam new to the forums and am really interested in attending this evening to meet some of you guys.

so can I get 4 tickets if possible.


Hi Rob,

Look forward to seeing you and your mates there :laughing:

Meet me about 5:50pm outside at the venue and I'll give you the tickets. You'll know me as all the other guys will be collecting tickets from me as well :laughing: Otherwise, PM me and I'll let you know how to contact me if you're not sure how to find me (there'll be alot of people around outside).

ATTENDEE LIST: = 21 People :fool:

1. EvilDaifu + 2

2. shockF6

3. Adam

4. TUFXRT6 + 1

5. Phevor

6. Dynowog

7. Mr Turbo and his father.


9. xlnt6

10. deek

11. Goldbullet

12. Watto (via PM)

13. Fat-Tony

14. robsxr + 3

Edited by EvilDaifu
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