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Ford Performance Racing Evening


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  • Cruise Whore
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FordXR6Turbo.com Event - Ford Performance Racing (FPR) Evening


DATE: Thursday 26 October 2006 (but I need to know who's attending by 12 October as it is an invite only event).

TIME: 6-8pm (Meet me there at 5:50pm to collect entry ticket from me.)

MEET: FPR 40 Glenbarry Rd, Campbellfield (near Ford Broadmeadows Factory) Melways Map 7 G3



DESCRIPTION: A mate of mine went to a Ford Performance Racing (FPR) evening earlier this year and highly recommended it to me. So I made an enquiry and FPR are planning to put on an exclusive "Open Night" for us as well as the FPV & XR Owners Club of Victoria, the FPR TEAM BLUE members, Ford reps, dealers and sponsors. This is an invite only event, so you will need to collect an entry ticket from me (I'll be handing them out 5:50pm on the night at the entry to the venue) and I need to let FPR know numbers attending by 12 October.

So, this is about visiting FPR for:

- A tour of the the FPR V8 Supercars workshop,

- A talks by key FPR personnel,

- Meet and greet the FPR racing drivers Jason Bright and Mark Winterbottom (and get autographs :yeahyeah: ),

- See some of the FPR V8 Supercars close up,

- Prizes for motorsport trivia,

- Have a go at a timed tyre change using pneumatic tyre changers (FPR merchandise prize for the fastest tyre change) and,

- 15% discount off all FPR merchandise.

If you have a look at their merchandise website and see something you like but won't be able to attend, just PM me and I may be able to buy it on your behalf at the 15% off discount rate.

There'll be finger food as well as tea and coffee (so I won't arrange a dinner afterwards).





ATTENDEE LIST: = 26 People :sleepystuff:

1. EvilDaifu + 2

2. shockF6

3. Adam

4. TUFXRT6 + 1

5. Phevor

6. Dynowog

7. Mr Turbo and his father.


9. xlnt6

10. deek

11. Goldbullet

12. Watto (via PM)

13. Fat-Tony

14. robsxr + 3

15. flukeyluke

16. gogo

17. frosty + 2

Everyone is welcome and it's a good way to meet your fellow FordXR6Turbo.com enthusiasts, other Ford people and have a close up look at how FPR does things :crybaby:

Please post up if you'd like to come along to this event and feel free to ask me any questions. I need to know who's coming by 12 October as numbers are limited. Thanks!

Kind Regards,


Edited by EvilDaifu
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1. EvilDaifu

2. shockF6 (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

3. Adam (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

4. TUFXRT6 (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

5. Pheavor (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

6. wog


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  • Cruise Whore
  • Moderating Team
  • Member For: 19y 6m 24d
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  • Location: Melbourne
Put me & my father down Gary.

Rob... :spoton:

Hi Rob, thanks for posting up you can come. It's gotten better since I first posted up because FPR got back to me saying they're going to make it an Open Night now. Will be good to see you and your father there :spoton:

I"ll be there . if nothing comes up.............................

Hi BOZZXR6TURBO, definitely hope you can make it. :thumbsup:


1. EvilDaifu

2. shockF6 (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

3. Adam (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

4. TUFXRT6 (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

5. Phevor (need to confirm if date okay from VIC Chat)

6. Dynowog

7. Mr Turbo and his father.



Edited by EvilDaifu
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