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Passing Of 05


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People say these things happen in threes  :crybaby:

Colin Thieley?

As a matter of interest, does anyone know what car he was driving? I doubt it would be the 05 Monaro, that was a heavy duty racer? I know he's being doing alot of fettling work on the Elfin? Also he was at Goodwood last week, probably in a Bathurst VK?

Vale Peter Perfect.

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As a matter of interest, does anyone know what car he was driving? I doubt it would be the 05 Monaro, that was a heavy duty racer? I know he's being doing alot of fettling work on the Elfin? Also he was at Goodwood last week, probably in a Bathurst VK?

Daytona Coupe

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I walked into the office the afternoon after just returning from Singapore and made the comment...  "so, who's getting shot today?"  What I was referring to was the latest round of headcount cuts at work... but my mate just pointed at his monitor with the SMH headline story on screen. I just wanted to throw up!    :fool:

Two famous aussie blokes gone in one week doing what they loved most....  enjoying life! What did we do to deserve all this punishment???    :stirthepot:

Not that I want to be the harbinger of doom, but these things tend to happen in "groups of three". If I were an aussie celebrity, I'd be  :pooh: myself while waiting for the other shoe to drop....

Theysay that but it has happened peter,steve and last week sir don chip but not to many people remeber him or do not think about him and did his bit for politics like steve and peter did for there fields.


They say it comes in 3s , lets hope that's the lot :fool:

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I remember watching Brock, Grice, Johnson, Perkins and Moffit in the 70's but Brock was the first driver I could name he was a legend in his own time. Brings back alot of fond memories like wathcing the channel 9 camaro spinning on it's roof coming down the mountain.

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R.I.P Peter Brock

I met you once as a child, you were nothing but friendly, engaging and inspiring to me, I then met you as a man, and you were exactly as my memory served me.

To say that you will be sadly missed is seriously understating it, every time a race car comes over the mountain believe me you will be thought of in some way, be it Red or Blue blood in your veins, this is shattering. We can all wish to be in the same position as you, living life to the full and to pass away doing exactly what we live for. I simply cannot believe that you are gone...

Peter Perfect we called you, and it really is a shame that you were never able to become Peter Perfect 10, taking your 10th Bathurst win... I bet you win Bathurst in Heaven this year...

You will be sadly missed mate... you ARE an Australian icon.

R.I.P Peter Brock.

Jack :stirthepot:

Say G'day to Steve for me mate... :fool:

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speaking of driving a ford for a bit.

was there a ford falcon brock.

I have heard somthing about this.

imagine the price now of a brock Late model camira :laughing:

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