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I want to see the 4.6 V8 modular engine in the GT....that's a powerhouse....

even the 5.4 is supercharged in the USA Ford GT...

Wishful thinking :spoton:

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it would be nice to bump up the power figures sure,

but why would anyone be scared of holden. there v8 motor (mechencals) was designed in the 60 or 70's, its still a push rod two valve motor.

the v6 probly has more potentical then the 8, cos its the way the motor is designed not the amount of cubes,

and there manuals are crap to what is in the falcon (gearing and feel) they only just brought out a good indenpent rear end,

the old commondores would get negative camber when lowered and when launching hard.

and most of the die hard Expensive Daewoo fans dont like the new look anyway

the xr6t kicks the ss, the xr8 and gt have more potentical then any thing Expensive Daewoo has ever made, and the F6 kicks every thing built in oz so I recond its Expensive Daewoo that are tring to catch up

ford has got the handling,

ford has got the brakes

and ford has got the balls :spoton:

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Hi all.

Yeah, I'm a longer term member & reader of the forum but haven't posted much (due to time commitments at work), and for that I apologise. However, I feel compelled to reply.

You'll probably all get a laugh out of this, but I'm still campaigning a 1994 ED XR6. Why don't I have a more recent model? Err....because I've spent my life waiting for the "new model" all the time. Yes, I realise the error of my ways, and that no matter when you look to buy a new car, a new model is always on the horizon. However, I feel that my current situation also reflects the way Ford has positioned itself in terms of product offerings over the last 10 years.

To explain, I have to come clean and say that I have a slight bias towards a V8. My grandfather owned a Ford V8, my old man owned several, and so I want to follow on the family tradition! I may only keep it for a few years before realising that an F6 Typhoon is the way to go, but just once in my life, I want to own a bent 8.

Given this preference towards a V8, I've found that for the most part of the last 10 or so years, Ford's new models, from EF onwards, have only ever tended to just catch up with the General, rather than comprehensively get out there and beat them, hands down. Only a couple of times I've though Ford actually got in front: firstly, when the 220kw Series III AU XR8 came into being (but I disliked the styling and had concerns about resale so didn't buy); and secondly, when the BA was launched with the Boss 260 (but being a brand new model, I didn't know if it would be full of bugs or not, so let it go). Aside from those two brief points in time, in my humble opinion, its been slim pickings.

Yep, I know, I know...if nobody ever bought the first of a new model, then no new cars would ever be made. I know all that stuff. Its just that I'm a little older and wiser, and I simply can't afford to update my car every 3 minutes as soon as a new one comes out, so I want to be as happy with my purchase as I possibly can be.

Like it or not, Ford has been chasing tail in terms of their V8 offerings ever since the Gen III came out, straight & simple. Now before I get flamed, I'm the first one to admit that there's a lot more to a performance car than straight line oomph. I know that. I don't flog my cars, and the fact that my ED XR doesn't burn a drop of oil after 12 years service is testament to that. At the same time, I just cannot bring myself to potentially part with upwards of $65K for say, a BF GT and find myself breaking into a sweat if a $45K SS pulls alongside at the lights. Sorry, but I just can't swallow that. Call me old fashioned, but IMO if I'm paying a premium price I expect performance to match.

Lots of people cry that performance isn't everything, but a quick browse of this forum at any given time of the week will show dozens, if not hundreds of topics, and thousands of posts about who's doing what to their cars....edits, exhausts, cold air intakes, cams, headers, chips, custom tunes, diff ratios....and god knows what else. Why? Simple really: performance. How many of these mods that are commonly talked about are done to improve handling, or refinement? Stuff all. Most are done for power. To make the car a bit special. For rolling response performance. For the thrill of having more horses under the bonnet.

Despite all this, lots of people still then turn around and make excuses from Ford when they're behind the eight ball in terms of performance and street cred. Remember guys & girls, we're enthusiasts here. Our interests are in the performance models. We're not talking taxis here. We're paying a bloody lot of coin for our cars, and we deserve as good a product as is possible in this segment. The last thing I want to see is that we get used to a "near enough is good enough" approach where the best we can hope for is to just catch the competition, as opposed to lead it. Yes, this applies more to the V8s than the 6s where Ford has done a much better job with the Ts and the Typhoons.

So, its with great trepidation that I read updates in this thread about what the BF II will bring for the V8s. If Ford have to charge another $1k for the XR8 and another $2K for the GT then so be if, but for god's sake, do 'something' Ford!!! The current XR8 is dead in the water, and the GT can be belted by a $45K stock SS. Its not good enough, and we should demand better.

Yes, I'm in the market for an XR8. Budget may even stretch to a GT. I'm a potential new customer to Ford. However, If BF II means no more than a new pinstripe and that new ugly bonnet, I won't be buying one. I may actually look at an Bogan special or HSV, and that'n ot a throwaway line.

Sorry for the rant guys, and thanks for your patience. Great site too. Best wishes to you all.


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Mate you shouild post more often.. That L....O...N...G Post was a good read mate and yeah I reckon its true mate in regard to the V8's

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Mate you shouild post more often.. That L....O...N...G Post was a good read mate and yeah I reckon its true mate in regard to the V8's

Yeah, EXCEPT he has conveniently forgotton the Tickfords especially the T3 which whipped the General's @rse but good.

However I know exactly where he's coming from with his basic argument and I felt the same during the entire E series Fords - there simply wasn't an eight that was offered that could match the opposition - in fact couldn't even match the Ford 6. So I was happy, more than happy, to keep my old ZL Fairlane right up 'til the T3 came on the map. Now, sadly, Ford have gone back to the E series days with no competitive V8 worth looking at - so I for one am looking forward very expectantly for the supercharged 4.6/5.4 crate motors that are coming in from the States for the Oriopn.

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  • Sucker
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Mate you shouild post more often.. That L....O...N...G Post was a good read mate and yeah I reckon its true mate in regard to the V8's

Yeah, EXCEPT he has conveniently forgotton the Tickfords especially the T3 which whipped the General's @rse but good.

However I know exactly where he's coming from with his basic argument and I felt the same during the entire E series Fords - there simply wasn't an eight that was offered that could match the opposition - in fact couldn't even match the Ford 6. So I was happy, more than happy, to keep my old ZL Fairlane right up 'til the T3 came on the map. Now, sadly, Ford have gone back to the E series days with no competitive V8 worth looking at - so I for one am looking forward very expectantly for the supercharged 4.6/5.4 crate motors that are coming in from the States for the Oriopn.

T3....you mean people actually drive those things? :laughing:

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Turbo6man, I stand corrected on the Tickford T3. It was a belter! But gee, it seemed like Ford stuffed around with the Windsor for an eternity by only ever doing half a job with it, then the 250kw version arrived but was only around for what seemed like 3 minutes.

I vividly recall looking at a new T3 in a dealership when the BA had already hit the showrooms. I seriously considered buying it, but the dealer was demanding about $5K MORE than the original list price despite the fact that the BA was out! So, the equation was to pay over the odds for a model that was already superceded before I would have driven it out of the lot. As with most of us here, I'd heard about how much better the BA was allegedly engineered as compared to the AU, so this clinched the "no sale" for me at the time.

Hmmmm, if I had my time again though.........

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Hi all.

Yeah, I'm a longer term member & reader of the forum but haven't posted much (due to time commitments at work), and for that I apologise. However, I feel compelled to reply.

You'll probably all get a laugh out of this, but I'm still campaigning a 1994 ED XR6. Why don't I have a more recent model? Err....because I've spent my life waiting for the "new model" all the time. Yes, I realise the error of my ways, and that no matter when you look to buy a new car, a new model is always on the horizon. However, I feel that my current situation also reflects the way Ford has positioned itself in terms of product offerings over the last 10 years.

To explain, I have to come clean and say that I have a slight bias towards a V8. My grandfather owned a Ford V8, my old man owned several, and so I want to follow on the family tradition! I may only keep it for a few years before realising that an F6 Typhoon is the way to go, but just once in my life, I want to own a bent 8.

Given this preference towards a V8, I've found that for the most part of the last 10 or so years, Ford's new models, from EF onwards, have only ever tended to just catch up with the General, rather than comprehensively get out there and beat them, hands down. Only a couple of times I've though Ford actually got in front: firstly, when the 220kw Series III AU XR8 came into being (but I disliked the styling and had concerns about resale so didn't buy); and secondly, when the BA was launched with the Boss 260 (but being a brand new model, I didn't know if it would be full of bugs or not, so let it go). Aside from those two brief points in time, in my humble opinion, its been slim pickings.

Yep, I know, I know...if nobody ever bought the first of a new model, then no new cars would ever be made. I know all that stuff. Its just that I'm a little older and wiser, and I simply can't afford to update my car every 3 minutes as soon as a new one comes out, so I want to be as happy with my purchase as I possibly can be.

Like it or not, Ford has been chasing tail in terms of their V8 offerings ever since the Gen III came out, straight & simple. Now before I get flamed, I'm the first one to admit that there's a lot more to a performance car than straight line oomph. I know that. I don't flog my cars, and the fact that my ED XR doesn't burn a drop of oil after 12 years service is testament to that. At the same time, I just cannot bring myself to potentially part with upwards of $65K for say, a BF GT and find myself breaking into a sweat if a $45K SS pulls alongside at the lights. Sorry, but I just can't swallow that. Call me old fashioned, but IMO if I'm paying a premium price I expect performance to match.

Lots of people cry that performance isn't everything, but a quick browse of this forum at any given time of the week will show dozens, if not hundreds of topics, and thousands of posts about who's doing what to their cars....edits, exhausts, cold air intakes, cams, headers, chips, custom tunes, diff ratios....and god knows what else. Why? Simple really: performance. How many of these mods that are commonly talked about are done to improve handling, or refinement? Stuff all. Most are done for power. To make the car a bit special. For rolling response performance. For the thrill of having more horses under the bonnet.

Despite all this, lots of people still then turn around and make excuses from Ford when they're behind the eight ball in terms of performance and street cred. Remember guys & girls, we're enthusiasts here. Our interests are in the performance models. We're not talking taxis here. We're paying a bloody lot of coin for our cars, and we deserve as good a product as is possible in this segment. The last thing I want to see is that we get used to a "near enough is good enough" approach where the best we can hope for is to just catch the competition, as opposed to lead it. Yes, this applies more to the V8s than the 6s where Ford has done a much better job with the Ts and the Typhoons.

So, its with great trepidation that I read updates in this thread about what the BF II will bring for the V8s. If Ford have to charge another $1k for the XR8 and another $2K for the GT then so be if, but for god's sake, do 'something' Ford!!! The current XR8 is dead in the water, and the GT can be belted by a $45K stock SS. Its not good enough, and we should demand better.

Yes, I'm in the market for an XR8. Budget may even stretch to a GT. I'm a potential new customer to Ford. However, If BF II means no more than a new pinstripe and that new ugly bonnet, I won't be buying one. I may actually look at an Bogan special or HSV, and that'n ot a throwaway line.

Sorry for the rant guys, and thanks for your patience. Great site too. Best wishes to you all.


you were not wrong about the long post,

mate you would be suprised at how the BA xr8/ GT's respond to a tune,

they make good power standed, but with a tune they fly.

I think you will find some untouched bar a flashtune,GT's soon running into the 12's on street tyres.(6 speed auto) but also I expect some manuels stock bar the tune dropping into the 12's as well.

the Gt's with exhaust, air box mods, and tune getting up around 110mph at the drags, they are a fantastic car to mod, just the xr6t is better.

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