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Autobarn Are Hacks


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  • Member For: 18y 10m 2d

I got an alarm installed on my t back in jan at autobarn. First they sold me the wrong one, then they had no idea how to install it. So that took another week of dicking around.

Then last week I took my car to ford because it had started to idle roughly after it had been taken to around 100km. First ford did a check and thought it was the cpu which they were going to replace. After they pulled the car apart they realised that the wiring loom had been removed. Apparently this send info to the cpu abou how much booost is going to the engine. This cable is apparently impossible to fall out. So I was looking at $280 for a new cable. Then the warranty manager had some discussions with autohacks about how the alarms are installed etc. The tosser at autobarn said they dont even go under the bonnet. To this the ford response was what aboout the siren and swith under the bonnet.??? Autobarn had no comment....

anyway in the end ford decided that out of good faith that they would replace the cable at no charge. In the end it was prob done because they didnt pick any idle problems up at my first service...

Vote 1 metro ford fortitude valley.

Autobarn suck balls

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  • Member For: 22y 2m 24d
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Unlucky mate, good to see they sorted it for you.

Good for future reference though

Damn right a good reference for anyone who would let Autobarn touch their car - never let the :thumbsup: near it....

Good on your dealer for not being a pric about it - I wonder if you will get any more problems as a result of the install.....

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  • Member For: 20y 10m 13d
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Can ford install an after market ford alarm to the T? And if so what are they worth.. Im not reccommending them just curious, iv always wanted more from the F6 alarm, but cant add anything to it..

I'd say no, they'd only be willing to fit their own system (fair enough). You could easily go to an autoelectrician though, I'd be much more comfortable with that than Autobarn or JB hifi doing the install!

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  • Member For: 21y 3m 14d
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I optioned the extra alarm on mine - also optioned ultrasonic sensors to detect any movement inside the car (broken windows, access thru sunroof, etc) and of course there's a shock sensor + bonnet switch. Cost a bit but was installed as a dealer fitted accessory. Good alarm, only problem I've had with it is that every now and then it doesn't chirp "armed" when I first lock the car. I have to do it a 2nd time. It's actually a Sentry alarm and any authorised Sentry supplier should be able to fit one for you no worries.

Autobarn / JB Hi-Fi / Strathfield Car Wreckers

Buy Cheap

Buy Twice

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