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Hsv Got Stung Lastnight


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  • Member For: 19y 1m 7d

driving from my house (east keilor) and going to my fiancee's house, I turned onto the main road there was a hsv blue in coulur cruzin alone doing the speed limit but as he saw me pull out he started speeding up, he cought up to me and was staying in my blind spot for a while then speed off and got into my lane I didnt pay attention to him as I know that theres cops with raders down the road as we were going down the hill he was doing at least 100+ in a 60km zone bang sirens went off and he got di*c**ked ... just thinking about it I reacon his still there :crybaby: .

Just wonted to expereince this with u guys, has it ever happened to you

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Yeah I've had something similar, I don't tend to run people on the street, it's not the place for it... but I was once cruising along (Princes Hwy) with an unmarked police car near me (on my best behaviour) and we passed a side street with a nice Silvia in it waiting to get out, he got out then proceeded to floor it to catch up... then sat next to me, with the police on the otherside of me, we are doing 80kph and he gives it a bit of a stick to see if I'm interested, I open my passenger window to try and tell him that the police are on the otherside of us... but unfortunately I didn't get the chance and he gave his car a full bootful and headed off down the road... and within a couple of seconds the police car drops a gear next to me and they are out after him...

Stupid... I just cruised past them both as the police were pulling him over... it goes to show I suppose that you never know who else is on the road with you!

Jack :stirthepot:

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  • Big Gun
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yeh, I was having a few runs on the highway once with a family man in his Rex. We passed each other a few times, then I decided to slow back to the limit cause some truckies coming the opposite direction mentioned there was a copper not far back. Ole matey in the REX does a big flyby past me, and sure enough, there's the copper on other side of the road flashes and chucks his lights on and did a uey. In the meantime, I passed the Rexy who was slowing down cause he knew he was busted, and I smiled and waved at him. His wife was laughin' but he wouldn't even look over at me. Then I gave it a bit of a hit. Funny as.

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  • XXR.64T
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1 day I was leaving miranda shopping centre after work, I saw my mate in a cv8z (who also works in the centre with me) on the main road, and mind u he doesnt have licence. So I pull up next 2 him sorta geeing him up, so the dumb arse gives it a hit up the road I sorta go aswell. As were goin up the hill say 150-200m from the crest, I saw cops doin radar. im in right lane hes in the left lane I brake hard to speed limit (60kph) and he keeps going. He gets pulled up I cruise by thinking wtf :blink: . Anyways the cops rekon they got us doin 120 in a 60 zone. he got :fool: on and I got away with it. just 2 prove u never know were they are...

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I had a situation were I was at a red light and a Wrx pulled up beside me I had no intetion of running hiw because I know the road has a lot of cop patrols,Any way the light went green I took off a little quick but not going over the speed limit he F*#k'en booted it and flew past beside me next thing I know I see red and blue and the cop's pulled me up while this guy was tearing down the road.

I couldnt belive what was happening I didnt even go over the speed limit yet the WRX fly's down the road and they pull me over.They couldnt ping me for speeding but I got a major defect and some word's of abuse for dragging and I wasnt even braking the law or dragging it was the guy next to me.

I cant help it if the car next to me boot's down the road I wasnt dragging

anyway that's what you get for having a nice looking car.Ist a bit like the saying nice guy's fininsh last but in this case it's nice looking cars finish last.

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  • Member For: 20y 3m 27d
  • Location: Tully (between cairns/towsville)

back in the days of the VLT sitting on the highway doin 110.... this skyline comes up beside me does a flys past me and I knew there was a speed camara about a km up the road, I chased passed him..... so he thought it was a cool came he over took me I sat behide him as we where doin 160....I slowed back down to watch him get his photo taken hehe..... I thought it was funny.

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