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Fiancee Lost Her Job...


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In my experience, they would have to make her redundant to create the part time position.

In any case, it they fire her they need to do it in writing stating the reason and giving at least two weeks or a pay period's notice or payout of the equivilent amount. For redundancy then the same sort of thing would have to be offered and until such time as written notice is given the enployer must continue to pay the wages etc. Also, long service can be claimed after 6 years if the employee needs to leave for family reasons (pregnancy included). If no written notice is given she may be better off to resign, still claim the two week's notice, plus unpaid holidays and the long service leave entitlement. It will be a bigger payout.

The new laws aren't as bad as all of the publicity suggests and some employers are using the bad publicity to bluff employees into agreements they don't want. Basically, if you don't really agree with something being offered say you would like to considder the offer, you need it in writing and you would like to run it past your lawyer.

As everyone else is saying, seek legal advice. In my experience the unions tend to worry more about blowing their own trumpet rather than looking after your interests.

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Basically, if you don't really agree with something being offered say you would like to considder the offer, you need it in writing and you would like to run it past your lawyer.

Cos everyone keeps their own endentured Industrial Lawyer on call. I know I do :spoton:

Ever stop and think the people who will be hardest affected by new I.R will also be those with the least leverage and power? Ie, the low income workers who can't afford a specialist lawyer everytime they get another "Sign Here or Get Lost" contract shoved under their noses? :fool:

Lumpy :nono:

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Go and save your comrades in another thread Lumpy :spoton: AWA’s have been around almost as long as you have, and big business has always been getting away with whatever they can by simply keeping the unions in their pockets.

Workchoices is one of the best legislative decisions made in this country.....look at the outcome of this thread, it even works :yikes:

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Just saying that I'm lucky to have an Industrial Lawyer endentured for life...other's aren't :blush:

Lumpy :laughing:

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they were pressuring her to leave, so she handed in 4wks notice, and they told her not to bother coming back :laughing: that's why they had to pay out the 4wks, plus her holidays.. ended up working out great. No more stress at work!

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  • I see red
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Basically, if you don't really agree with something being offered say you would like to considder the offer, you need it in writing and you would like to run it past your lawyer.

Cos everyone keeps their own endentured Industrial Lawyer on call. I know I do :blush:

What would you need an endentured Industrial Lawyer on call for, Lumpy? :spoton:

You'd need to have a job first...


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