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Sly's General Questions


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already started complaining.. slymeat is only one person passing on a message, he isnt the government.

anyway, I wanted to know something myself.

Say an L-plater was caught driving alone in his parent's car. What kind of charges could they face if he/she admitted to taking the car without their parent's consent, and if you have dealt with something along these lines, what would you think the outcome would be?

First of all you can infringe the Driver for driving un accompanied. Now most of our L plate drivers are under the age of 18 so this is where the young offenders(YO) act comes in. With the YO Act depending on their past you can Issue an official warning step 1, you can issue ther driver with an intent to caution (Youth Liasion officer does this)step 2 and you can issued a conference between the driver and a person from juvinle justice step 3. Now if the driver is not of a good character you can charge him.

If the driver is an adult depending on what his father wanted done you could charge him for steeling the vehicle and driving un accompanied.

I actually have a matter very similar to this one at the moment where a 17 year old is involved. At this stage I have infringed the driver and I am waiting to her from his father if he wishes to go a head with steeling the vehicle.

Hope this helps

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Sly, thanks for offering up the opportunity to get some facts straight about the road laws. It is crazy how missinformation can make people think they know the law.

I have a couple of questions:

What would you do if you pulled a car over you suspected of using a Radar detector, but could not visably see ?

Can you search the car ?

What happens if you cannot find one ?

How many radar detector detectors are there in NSW HWP vehicles ?

Keep up the fine work

Answer posted in the answers thread. :laughing:

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Now to the lighter side, my 2 year old just turned on the siren in the work car and probably scared the bejesus out of the neighbours. :laughing: Little bugger took my key and went out to the gararge.

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Sly, I see you're a NSW officer so you'd have good knowledge of this. Pertains to Jetonit's question.

A 22 Y/O Learner Drive (late starter, hasn't lost licence before) is caught driving a car from the inspection station to his house with no supervising driver.

Was charged with 'Unregistered Car', 'Uninsured Car' and 'Unlicensed Driver'. However, he DIDN'T loose he L's? $1600 odd in fines but no loss of licence.

He rang once (and only once) to verify he still had his L's but doesn't want to rock the boat. He will be booking for his P Plates soon but Im wondering if this will rear its head at all?

Lumpy :laughing:

Answer posted in the answers thread. :kissmy:

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Just wanted to add my vote of thanks/appreciation for you starting this thread Slymeat, I can see it being very useful indeed. :kissmy:

I know the coppers get a bashing once in a while on this forum, but I think you'll find (if you haven't already) that most sensible members at least partially appreciate the difficulties of your job and commend you for it. I'm a public servant and cop enough grief for that, for goodness' sake!! :pinch::laughing:

And nice story about your two year old too, the little rats sure keep you on your toes, don't they?! I'm just relishing the first quiet night I've had in as long as I can remember... (please God, let them stay asleep) :blush:

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  • Team Kickass
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Just another note even though I may like to I have to be careful not to give legal advice as in how to defend things and such, I am barred from doing so that is why I have to rely on passing on the legislation and not giving to many opinions.

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Cheers for the thread Sly, well done.

Can you be charged with dangerous driving or a higher offence if it is proved that you have modified your car and have an accident that involves an injury or death, without telling your insurance acency....?

Do you investigate T's or similar in road accidents for mods like edits, gutted cats etc.....?

Answer posted in the answers thread. :laughing:

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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...also the other side of the ticket has to be sent on before they process it. If he has not yet paid the fine he will not yet be suspended, unless 6 months have passed...

Ahhhh, I think we have the crux of the situation right there :pinch:

I think he took the 'small payment over long time option' so they mightn't take issue until the fine is completed? :kissmy:

Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.

Lumpy :laughing:

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  • Team Grandpa
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How about if you pay a fine by cheque for $2 more than the fine.

Does it sit on the computors as paid but no demerit points issued as there is outstanding monies to be paid back?????Which does not happen?

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Good on you Slymeat for starting this thread, I have a question for you which I think I know the answer to but you may like to go into a little bit more detail.

How would somebody deal with people who abuse you while you drive your car from inside of their car? I'm talking about such things as language, spitting at you, throwing items from their car for the purpose of damaging your car, speeding past you then getting in front of you and pulling the hand brake?

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