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Sly's General Questions


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  • Team Kickass
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  • Member For: 21y 1m 5d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Albion Park, NSW

I have a few hoons that live near my house. 

They have mega rice-a-riso cars and tend to lay burnouts near my house and speed.  I have clocked them at 102km/h on my LIDAR in a 40km/h zone.

If I catch them on video, can the police prosocute them for hooning/burnouts based on my video evidence ?

Would I need to be identified and be involved, or could I be anaoymous ?

I have spoken to these cretins, but they continue to drive like iddiots.  Apparently their neighbours hate them as well.

I think they need to be taught a lesson.

Yes they can be prosecuted but you will need to go to court so that the video can be tendered. Write down the exact date and time; do not record any conversations with them thought as this would be a breach of the telecommunications and listening devices act.

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  • Team Kickass
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  • Member For: 21y 1m 5d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Albion Park, NSW
Another question for slymeat... And what a great thread.

I travel a lot between Cooma and Canberra I have the cc set to 105 and I have had no problems. I come up to a slow moving vehicle say 90 now when it is safe to pass you give the T heaps and for a couple of seconds the speed may be 120 or so. What would the police officer do when the radar machine went off.

Depends on the officer although you could get a bung, but it would not be common and a bit hard to judge.

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