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Nissan R33 Skyline Gtr Rear End Into A Ba Ute


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BUT can it carry a full tonne??

and do we care..  :tease:

The Nizpro guys say yes - just in case you ever wanted to - but would just need to correct spring and damper settings!

The XR cant carry 1 tonne with stock suspension. Its limited to 500kg of payload, that's before you inc petrol in fuel tank and cabin occupants. Standard style side utes are rater at 750kg, and 1 tonne supension is only available on cab chassis vehicle, even then you have to minus the weight of the tray you put on it to get a correct payload figure. They do have an optional 8 leaf heavy duty shock absorber version from factory. This is easily up to the 1 tonne task, but it will jar your back if you dont carry weight in it all the time. :spoton:

You are 100% correct Tony!! :pinch:

perhaps I should have said you would need stupidly stiff springs and dampers, which would be crap for normal driving! :blink:

This is clearly not the intent of what Simon is doing - perhaps I should have ignored Ben's stir :pinch: !!!!



Due to the nature of my business, I have had the unfortunate pleasure of driving the proper 1 tonne falcons in cab chassis form, and yeh springs are real stiff on them. :pinch:

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Surely a watts linkage rear end with coilovers and a well built nine inch would be

A: easier to engineeer

B: More adjustable

C: Cheaper

D: Stronger

The ute already had a 4 link rear end in it.

I don't think points A and C matter much to them.

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Taken directly from the Nizpro forum as written by Simon...

A couple of things,first a GTR is only 4wd after the rear wheels slip and by that stage all the power has gone through the rear end. Second weight hasn't really got that much to do with it. If you have 1000 hp you have 1000 hp the heavier the car only makes you go slower it doesn't change the fact the engine has the 1000 hp and its all ends up going through the drive line regardless of weight.You could argue that the duty cycle will be longer as it takes a longer time to get where you are going,but as we have seen most of the drive line failure have been from shock loading as the vehicle leaves the start line not at 3/4 track.

Anyway day 4 and the Ute is a roller again with the rear completely mounted.The next step is making the 1.5 to 1 rockers and mounting of the remote mounted Ollins shocks and springs.I decided to remote mount them on rockers so I could achieve better suspension travel and not have the shocks protruding into the tray. So they now mount Length-ways under the tray between the rear wheels and the cab facing slightly down hill and pointing out wards a little.Looks pretty trick on the back of a BA Ute.

I'll grab a couple of photo's next week and show you all. The next thing I am looking at, is moving the fuel tank back to a similar position to standard. It had been moved to where the spare wheel goes in a Ute as the 4 link was where the std tank mounted. I'm also trying to maintain a 120 liter capacity as when towing the boat around I like to have a good range and this time I will build in a surge tank internally so the pumps will be very quite. I think I will build an alloy one this time for weight savings and when placed back in the middle of the wheel base it will also help handling on a full tank.

That it for this progress report.

Just thought I would post it here too for those that aren't members of the Nizpro forum...

I was down at Nizpro today to have a look at the ute and to book in for some more work on my car and I must say that the quality of the work being done on this ute is second to none... it's coming along very nicely indeed!!

Jack :blink:

Edit-Not to mention the HR Holden (circa 1960 something-) that is getting a full house 1200hp BA motor fitted to it... some people have more money than I do, that is for sure!!

Edited by XR6T8_U
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fark simon is a mad man, he is def stepping it up a notch with this mod, cant wait to see the outcome, he will prove everyone who thinks it wont work wrong, he woulda put his R&D into this project before he even attempted it

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Cant see how it will work.

Either the diff is in backwards or upside down.

The wheels arnt facing the correct way.

Ok if ya going to drive it backwads all day.

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Cant see how it will work.

Either the diff is in backwards or upside down.

The wheels arnt facing the correct way.

Ok if ya going to drive it backwads all day.

:boink: what the....

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BUT can it carry a full tonne??

and do we care..  :fool:

The Nizpro guys say yes - just in case you ever wanted to - but would just need to correct spring and damper settings!

The XR cant carry 1 tonne with stock suspension. Its limited to 500kg of payload, that's before you inc petrol in fuel tank and cabin occupants. Standard style side utes are rater at 750kg, and 1 tonne supension is only available on cab chassis vehicle, even then you have to minus the weight of the tray you put on it to get a correct payload figure. They do have an optional 8 leaf heavy duty shock absorber version from factory. This is easily up to the 1 tonne task, but it will jar your back if you dont carry weight in it all the time. :spoton:

the weight limit on the xr's is directly related to the load rating of the tyres and the rims, the chassis is exactly the same as the 1 tonne yoots. The payload is 495kg NOT including petrol and 2 x 68kg passengers. So the payload is what you can carry in the tub with a full tank and you and a passenger. ( I had to have this clarified for insurance purposes)

Edited by turtle33
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Apologies for resurrecting an old thread - but, probably as far back as june/july 2006, shortly after my arrival in Australia, I mentioned I would like to do an IRS on my UTE.

Of course, Simon at Nizpro having done it first, showed:

1)that it was possible

2)potential donor components to us

3)rough indicator of how it should be done

So, I a paying the last installment on my UTE the 5th of April (yeay, finally) so she's all mine then - and we're in the process of waiting for our Peranent Residence Visas - so basically no ore excuses to NOT do this.

I have always maintained and acknowledged that yes, the live rear with leaves will be excellent for those blokes that bought their UTEs for it's load-carrying capabilities, as opposed to that of the IRS-equipped Expensive Daewoo counterparts.

I, however, do not need this functionality, especially in a performance vehicle like this, and will soon begin my trip to do soething similar.

Of course, I will start by searching for a R33 IRS set, and I will start by doing the hubs, fitiing brakes, et al, and finally fit the IRS in my UTE.

I picked her up brandnew in Oct 2006, and she has only done a genuine 10,000 kilos, so virtually brandnew. But, I will keep you guys posted on my road to a better-handling UTE.

Have a good one.

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I would look at the control balde IRS from the sedan as opposed to the Nissan setup.

You may find it easier to fit and should reduce the costs as AU> have had the same setup.

Personally I think it is a big waste of money as the gains in handling would be minor. It would be cheaper to trade in the ute and get a sedan.

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