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Fog Lights/ Driving Lights

Guest cul08r

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In some countries (especially in europe) it is illegal to drive without your lights on... even during the day time.... guess they have found some benefit to having lights on at day time....

motorbikes have to have their lights on in day time here in QLD as well.

the xr lights are driving lights... not fog lights

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I use them all the time and don't really care if some people don't like it.  :blush:

As has been said they don't put out a lot of light and the light they do put out is in no way blinding to oncoming traffic. I use parkers and driving lights during the day and headlights with driving lights at night.

They are a cosmetic thing and I like them. :thumbsup:  I've also found that alot of cars get out of the way if they see them coming and this appeals.

The way I see it if you like using them do and if you don't, don't. Whinging about it ain't going to change it so why bother. :glad:

Geea. :glad:

My thoughts exactly Craig- I just didn't feel like typing that much.

But anyway, there are signs that say "lights on in daytime for safety", and I reckon they look cool too.



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I know it is illegal to use them in NSW if it isn't foggy or poor visibility conditions. The HWP love getting all the ricers when they're cruising around at night with them on.

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never really worries me, I kinda reckon they look mad with them on but it annoys me when little honda's and astra's kinda cars drive with them on. hah there car is just not cool enough to have them on. but its true in what your saying how 4WD get right up your arse in a 60 zone trying to push u along with all there friggen lights in your rear vision mirror.

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I use them all the time and don't really care if some people don't like it.  :gooff:

As has been said they don't put out a lot of light and the light they do put out is in no way blinding to oncoming traffic. I use parkers and driving lights during the day and headlights with driving lights at night.

They are a cosmetic thing and I like them. :gooff:  I've also found that alot of cars get out of the way if they see them coming and this appeals.

The way I see it if you like using them do and if you don't, don't. Whinging about it ain't going to change it so why bother. :blink:

Geea. :glad:

My thoughts exactly Craig- I just didn't feel like typing that much.

But anyway, there are signs that say "lights on in daytime for safety", and I reckon they look cool too.



:gooff: I like them to. I use them as they are there and not a lot of fog where I live. They look cool and I think that's why Ford put them there in the first place. Has bugger all to do with fog I think :siihp:

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I also get annoyed with Hyundai drivers who leave their fog (high visibility) tail lights on. They are brighter than brake lights.

Now there is a real pain in the proverbial.

I personally switch my foggies on when driving on country roads or suburban streets with poor lighting as the seem to offer better peripheral vision – but on highways I doubt it would offer any assistance as by the time you see something that you wouldn’t normally it would be too late anyway.

But really, who cares? I wouldn’t class them as distracting whatsoever – unless you behave like an insect and get drawn to the light and stare at them!


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I don't have an issue with people having their lights on in the day, either fog or headlights, that is fine. Night time is where I find it annoying........

Yep, daylight 'lights on' is probably a good policy, but not something that I practice. Look at the humble Volvo... and how few of them are involved in accidents with their auto lights on feature..... ok, let me go back and think about that statement.....

And yes, that pissant little red light on the back of the Hyundai with the 150w globe. That sh1ts me to tears.

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