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Fog Lights/ Driving Lights

Guest cul08r

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It would appear that Australia is becoming fog-bound. It must be, I can think of no other explanation for the number of drivers on our highways with their fog lights and headlights on! …… what the hell is going on? Is my vision that good that I don't see the fog.... or is there... NO FOG....

Surely no sane person would drive around with their fog lights on unless there was fog around! The damn things don’t help illuminate the way ahead unless you happen to be looking about two metres in front of your car and towards the edge of the road.

Am I being a little sensitive here, is it just me that dislikes having drivers sitting behind me at night with double the lights shining in the mirror?

Main offenders seem to be drivers of Commodores, XRs and 4wds.

Feel free to tell me that I am a wuss and to harden up a bit, but it just one of those things that makes me think… wa*ker.

Plonky, please tell me it is illegal!

[God666 dons flamesuit/]

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Foglights piss me off big time.

I have a remedy though....get up behind them and show em what a real set of lights can do to their eyes.

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Agree! A pet peeve of mine.

Incidentally, in the ACT at least, it is illegal to drive with fog lights on unless it is foggy or raining (!).

They're even worse in the rain when they reflect off the road...

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Depends on whether the lights are defined as driving lights or fog lights....but either way, there is absolutely no reason for them to be on, except in severe cases of Fog.

Personally, if I was able to, I would fine everyone $250, and 3 demerit points, after all it could be argued that they are driving without due care and attention to other road users.

-Duck for cover-

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I will admit I use mine, :thumbsup: mainly as it's getting dark with my parkers, then when dark I have all lights on when on the hwy driving home from work (2hrs drive Western hwy) but if in town I turn them off.

I use them on the hwy as the stock lights are not overly strong by themselves, and there is always alot of dead wildlife on the side of the road.

The only time I use both lights together is on the hwy, when around town it's standard lights, or parkers with fogs, as driving around Melbourne at night you could say that the lower lights give you better vision with the mass amount of lighting already provided.

They are actually not true fog lights, they are actually driving lights, as I have had much experience driving in europe with true 'Fog Lights'

I believe it actually could be illegal however, they are in my opinion Driving lights not fog lights, hence why does the manufacturers provide them, and why are they ADR approved? I have actually seen and keep meaning to get photos of the Police HWY patrol cars (XR's & SS's) who also have them on as well, particularly on the hwy that I drive home on.

Whilst I understand your point, I believe there can be an appropriate use for them :blush:

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I use them all the time and don't really care if some people don't like it. :blush:

As has been said they don't put out a lot of light and the light they do put out is in no way blinding to oncoming traffic. I use parkers and driving lights during the day and headlights with driving lights at night.

They are a cosmetic thing and I like them. :thumbsup: I've also found that alot of cars get out of the way if they see them coming and this appeals.

The way I see it if you like using them do and if you don't, don't. Whinging about it ain't going to change it so why bother. :glad:

Geea. :glad:

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Oh no.......... :thumbsup:

Here we go......... :glad:

Oh c'mon mac, :blush:

It's been atleast a month since the last foglight rant.....

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