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Fog Lights/ Driving Lights

Guest cul08r

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If they're pointed in your direction, they have not been properly adjusted by a) the factory, or b) the person who installed them, or c) the person who screwed around with them last (e.g. the owner or some young pr!ck in the car park).

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The foggies on SS Commodores seem more blinding (incorrect alignment?) than BA XR ones. It's ghey to drive with them on in daylight or clear night in suburbia.

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I only use my 'Driving Lights' in the daytime, and this only to improve my visibility to other road users.

I challenge anyone to prove they have been blinded, or even slightly troubled by a set of 'Driving Lights' during daylight hours.

Now using the BA/BF complimentary lights or any others together with regular headlamps and at night :spoton::wub: there is a real case for blinding :secret:

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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I only use my 'Driving Lights' in the daytime, and this only to improve my visibility to other road users.

I challenge anyone to prove they have been blinded, or even slightly troubled by a set of 'Driving Lights' during daylight hours.

Now using the BA/BF complimentary lights or any others together with regular headlamps and at night :spit:  :wub: there is a real case for blinding :sick:

BA Foglight's in the day are ok but towards dusk are shocking and at night :spoton: .

However, I've found the award for most irritating driving light would be a dead heat between WRX's and VX SS's. They're shockingly aligned and they're everywhere.

Worst of all are the 4wd drivers who believe their high beams are low and that high beams are their 87 driving and fog lights plus the high beams :spit:

Lumpy :secret:

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Yes they are illegal to operate inappropriately.

Yes some cause problems for approaching drivers.

The steering wheel attendants at my place call them 'w a n k e r lights'. For some reason a high seating position (ie; a coach driving seat) seem to get a great deal of reflection (especially in wet weather) off the road.

I equip all our coaches with 4x 130watt high beams and 2x Narva pencil beam Bull lights for just such an occaison.

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  • THE Member
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Those rear red fog lamps are the worse, don't mind people using the front one's (I don't) but the rear ones really urk me!! :birthdaywish:


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In Europe, particularly in Scandanavia most cars are fitted with daytime running lights so that your vehicle can be seen during the day (especially as for some parts of the year, it's either dark or gloaming - ie dusk/dawn most of the day). Having observed that, these are pretty low wattage bulbs (maybe 15w so about the same as an turn indicator in brightness).

In my experience, a charcoal grey or black car in overcast conditions and/or rain becomes a lot less visible than say one with either the daytime running lights or the driving lights on. When I spent a lot of time driving to and from the ski hills in New Zealand - the driving lights were basically on all the time except when the headlights were on as I'd seen enough head on accidents. If I was doing big km's on two way roads I'd consider doing the same and copping a warning or the fine rather than getting clobbered by someone who had not seen me and tried to overtake when there was no gap.

Rear fog lamps are a good thing when they are used properly as they are in Europe. There are strong punitive fines for using them inappropriately and !@#$% who drive with them on during a perfectly clear night deserve a fine... or their headlight relay to die an early death... (poetic justice). Most folk who drive with the rear fogger on can be picked as either:

a) Inconsiderate - they know it's on because there's a nice shiny light on their dashboard telling them so... but they don't care so long as they get to show a nice red light you don't have or to make them feel good about having another function on their dash... much like the folk who get neons for their windscreen washer jets...

b) Ignorant - they have no idea how bright the thing is... generally also similar to those folk who have the high stop brake light wired into their tail lights so all the lights go out when they brake at night...

There also was a few fines meted out by the NSW boys in blue about the 'decorative lights' on the BA Ghia... Officers considered it to be a driving lamp - Ford thought they were decorative lights... don't know what happened in the end.

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