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Hello All, And Introducing My New Xr6t


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not much at this stage, but next set of shoes ill get some lowering, and then once the motor is run in a bit more (15-20k) then might look at a ECU edit or few quick power fixes, just to kee the excitment there ;)


Famous last words.... :laughing:

Looking at the job you have done with the MAgna, I give it 3 months before you are asking about Edit.

Welcome to the forum, there are a few NT members here that can help you with mods :popcorn:

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Hi Boo

Welcome to the obsession

beware of the freaks... you have met but just a few :popcorn:


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Nice pics and welcome to the nuthouse.....must you rub in the NT part though? :popcorn:

Hey tab, nuthin' wrong with NT people :drunk: especially someone with a T there. At least you can really stretch its legs there. Driving between Alice and Uluru or Tennant Creek is great stuff. You should try it. You can just go and go for ages.

Boo, I know you will have a good time with your car in Alice especially when you get it out of town a bit. I have just moved from NT and already miss the open highways there. Have fun! :crybaby:

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Nice pics and welcome to the nuthouse.....must you rub in the NT part though? :laughing:

Hey tab, nuthin' wrong with NT people :censored: especially someone with a T there. At least you can really stretch its legs there. Driving between Alice and Uluru or Tennant Creek is great stuff. You should try it. You can just go and go for ages.

Boo, I know you will have a good time with your car in Alice especially when you get it out of town a bit. I have just moved from NT and already miss the open highways there. Have fun! :laughing:

Yep, my father has a roadhouse 380km N of Alice SPrings - so ive got plenty of times and reasons for a quick trip up the road - and 380k's well, hopefully a 72L tank can last ;) haha

Yes, as much as I HATE alice springs with a passion (I think my job opens my eyes to a whole different alice springs then the general public see) there is just a magnetic attraction to our open roads and the fact it only takes me just on 9hours (with booya) from alice to darwin in one hit. maybe the T can break that personal best? errr.. not jsut yet, I still gotta get use to the tilt and reach steering wheel!! :D haha

Cheers for the welcoming - and thanks for not bagging the magna, we are all car enthusists, and I chose a magna to be different ;)


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Cheers for the welcoming - and thanks for not bagging the magna, we are all car enthusists, and I chose a magna to be different ;)


Credit is due where credit is due. A lot of people on here don't like AU's either, the difference is.. I'll ban their asses if I hear a bad word said about them :censored::sleepystuff::laughing::laughing:

Very very nice ute too mate.

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Why did you have to include the Student Paramedic part? To show your a young hot shot who drives an XR6T?

If it counts then.....22 year old IT Engineer whose had my Turbo for 6 months...

Nice car...

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  • Member For: 18y 7m
  • Location: Somewhere on the Open Highway, NT
Why did you have to include the Student Paramedic part? To show your a young hot shot who drives an XR6T?

If it counts then.....22 year old IT Engineer whose had my Turbo for 6 months...

Nice car...

no, just so people didnt assume I was an young IT engineer, really.

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  • Member For: 18y 7m
  • Location: Somewhere on the Open Highway, NT
great pics

great car

the ute is a picture all by itself

I've been to alice 3 times it flooded twice while I was there I like the town

They say if you've seen the todd flow three times then your a local :spoton:

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