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Turbo Boost Controller


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Are these tunes very close (if any difference) to the custom tuner generic tunes???

depends on which custom tuner you buy the tune box off. some tuners dont even offer generic tunes

The guy on ebay has told me that it has 3 generic capa tunes

Thanks for the heads up on the spark plugs,I forgot about that one.

yes I do have a MK1 BA

Edited by cv8z
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I wouldn't do anything that could be dangerous. Youve paid all that money for a T why risk it for a mere 1000$ and if you really dont have 1000$ then why risk it for a few extra KW?

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8psi generic from BPT (Perth) gave me 234RWKW with just a K&N filter. This seems to be a pretty strong figure with this map but nontheless you will really smile once your tune goes up from stock. The 10psi map with plug gap set to 0.80 and 98RON fuel is just crushing the first time (until u get used to it !!). Took a mate for a run the other day (he has a 5.7 commode-door) and he reckons the T wrapped his guts around his spine. I seriously don't know how you guys run with 300RWKW and not kill the tyres with every drive. :sleepystuff:

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Thanks guys

Is it best to buy the unit from capa (and ask for there latest software flash)

I didnt know you could ask for the newest flash,I assumed that they grabbed it off the shelf and sent it out

Im looking forward to the feel of the car


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8psi generic from BPT (Perth) gave me 234RWKW with just a K&N filter. This seems to be a pretty strong figure with this map but nontheless you will really smile once your tune goes up from stock. The 10psi map with plug gap set to 0.80 and 98RON fuel is just crushing the first time (until u get used to it !!). Took a mate for a run the other day (he has a 5.7 commode-door) and he reckons the T wrapped his guts around his spine. I seriously don't know how you guys run with 300RWKW and not kill the tyres with every drive.  :spoton:

I do :sleepystuff:

On my way home from work I pulled up to a set of lightsnext to a VZ SS.The roads were wet from a shower.The young guy next of me looked over at me to see my V8 bonnet :laughing: and thought he would give me a run.Well he did cause I couldnt use any more then 10% throttle otherwise I would start wheel spinning.Funny thing was he thought I was racing him :laughing:

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Thanks guys

Is it best to buy the unit from capa (and ask for there latest software flash)

I didnt know you could ask for the newest flash,I assumed that they grabbed it off the shelf and sent it out

Im looking forward to the feel of the car


When you get any tunes (generic or custom) you will need to specify what you car is ie. confirm it is an XR6T, manual or auto, etc. Remember these same boxes can be used to edit XR8's, etc, which obviosuly require completely different programs to the XR6T! :blink:

CAPA upgrade their generic tunes reasonably regularly and you can always ask them to flash in the latest version for your car. Even if you are using a generic 8psi tune, trust me, you will NOT be disappointed with the result. :idunno:

As others have said though, if running the 10psi map, make sure your plugs are gapped and, if you're in the least bit worried about how the car is running, get your AFR's double checked on a dyno, just to be safe (again remembering that you may not necessarily hear detonation unless it's quite severe).

Of course, custom tuning is the way to go but I reckon the generic CAPA tunes are pretty good these days (you may have heard stories about surging with the old 10psi generic tunes but that seems to have been sorted out now). Good luck, and let us know how you go! :spoton:

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I agree with Buggers, and would add - dont bother regapping your old plugs buy some new sparkplugs (Capa currently recommend BKR6E11 and gap to .75mm to .8mm. They cost a couple of dollars each, why muck about with old ones?

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Ok here I go guys

I have taken on board what you have all said about clamping off the waste gate vac hose.

I parted with the cash,and got my-self a intunemotorsport cpa flasher.

They tell me it is there own tune (not the standard capa tune)

F$%K me

I set the car to the 10psi tune gave her a tank of BP Ultimate,and holy crap does it fly.

Anyone wondering if they would notice the difference with a flash box,I am still having trouble wiping the smile off my face.

From 0-2500rmp the car feels basicly the same.

From 3000-5500 the car pulls hard (very hard)

My cv8-z Monaro would look likes its standing still when this xr6t hits 5000rmp.

The fuel economy has gone from 14.7l/100kms to 12-13l/100kms.

So to wrap this up,anyone wanting some easy and relativly cheap performance get youself a capa flash and go hard or go home.


The downside is the bug has bitten and NOW it will be hard to stop.


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