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Price Of Fuel Protest


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Mate in theory it would work, but it wont in real life. Just have a look around the majority of people in here are paying more for premium. Let alone the buck fifty for the normal stuff, and this aint even www.porsche. com.ger

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I paid $1.49 for vortex98 today. But what really pissed me off was the pump didn't shut off when the tank was full as they normally do and it spewed petrol all over me :censored:

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It's a good idea, but it won't do anything. The Caltex will sell it's fuel through another vendor so they are protected by it. Infact the only person your really hurting is the service station owner, and they do not dictate the price of fuel, and they really do only get pittance for every litre they sell.

We should be lobbying the gov't to remove their fuel exise (Tell JH he's out if the exise is not removed before next election). If that's not a tax, onto of a tax, on top of another tax then I don't know what is.

They complain that if they where to remove or get rid of the fuel exise completely it would cost them big time, that might be true, but is it really their money to take in the first place? They did nothing to create \ import \ store \ transport the product, so why should they be entitled to an amount of money on top of the other taxes that they charge?

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If you can't beat em join them, caltex made something like 140 million dollars last quarter and there share price went up almost 5 dollars in value in two months basically 20%. Why not buy some of their shares, sell when your happy with the increase in value and have free fuel off the profits. The price of fuel will never go down again and is only going to get worse unless manufactures start bringing out performance cars that run on an alternative safely with no power loss. For the meantime all petrol stations will bend us over at the bowser there's nothing really you can do, may as well try and get some back. Just my 2 cents as an alternative from a different angle.

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