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Workplace Bargaining Agreements


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IR didn't just happen it was an inevitable response to what I like to call the "The era of the Do-Gooder"

The Do-Gooder is a deadly animal that spends its free time changing our way of life for what they perceive to be for our own good.

Often found sipping tea and eating scones in community halls their initial good intent eventually spirals out of control until one day the outcome of their scheming and Do Good antics backfires on us the wider public.

The workplace is just one of life’s environments that has suffered at the hands of the Do-Gooders (in this case Unions and others) and as a result requires, in certain quarters, drastic measures to bring back a sense of reality.

Being a Salaried employee for the last 20 years I have always been 1 day away from unemployment and as such have clearly understood that unless I became a "Valuable Asset" to my employer, security was just a pipe dream. This has meant having to do more than what was just required in my job description including regularly working an extra 20 hours a week without pay let alone penalty rates.

So whilst I can empathise with a minority that may be raped and pillaged at the hands of their unscrupulous employers under IR, all in all I say welcome to the real world and if you want someone to winge to go seek out your local Do-Gooder or Union Rep. Or better still, as others have said, do what you have to, to become a more valuable asset to your current or future employer.

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Couldnt have said it better(think I had a go though...)

PM me for a heavy machinist, welder and boily job who is looking for permanent work rates in South Brissy.

Slack arse dole buldgers need not apply.....

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4% is pretty good when the cost of living is rising at about 2.8%.

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  BAturb said:
there seems to be a pattern emerging here,

those who own a buisness agree that some employees get paid too much and a wage increse is unjustified, if you dont like it find another job,

then the employees agree that a wage increase is justified to help keep up with the cost of living,

then the employers jump on their soapbox and cry it will cost too much a wage rise is unjustified and so on,

for those who own a buisness answer this question honestly as you cant lie to yourself, how would you feel loosing your buisness and having to go in to the work force and work for an employer who says sign this or you will have no job, and by the way work hours will be between 6am and 6pm, there will be no penalty rates and you will work on the weekends with no penalty rates, you will get no leave loading on your holiday pay which is 2 weeks per year, I will pay $60 per week super, there will be no rostered days off, if you are sick or cant make it to work you must give 24 hours notice or be faced with a fine, you may not be a member of any union, and your hourly rate will be $17.50

would you be happy to sign a contract like that?

would you be happy to work for a employer like that?

for those who run a buisness you need good employees, like good employees need a good employer

The only hole in your statement is that EVERY SINGLE AWA has to be ratified by a government department before it can be implemented. Almost all of the hypothetical bullsh!t scenarios that you raised would be wiped out of the agreement.

The thing that most people don’t realise is that the IR reforms actually make it fairer for employees in allot of ways – but the media can’t sell stories with good news can they. Hysteria always sounds so much better :spoton:

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  stang said:
[that's funny I sold mobiles for telsta for 3 years and when I needed to do mobile connections the overflow went to india. My brother inlaw works for IBm and has just lost his job due to his department being moved to ballarat and the rest been taken over in india.My friend work in it support for IBM she just lost her job as support is now outsourcedby india. Maybe you should talk to the people losing their jobs instead of what you read.

Telstra? India? Read? heh, no. :spoton:

Perhaps you worked for Optus (notorious for overselling bandwidth, even on voice circuits in particular overseas, and being owned by a non-Australian company points the finger at outsourcing), not Telstra, or alternatively mistook the accents you were listening to as coming from a location that which they were not. There are, afterall, alot of other folks on the east coast working for Telstra whom may not have come from Australia but still call Australia home.

In regards to over flow, you normally call one number which gets routed by the IEN between any of the predermined Australian call centers which the vast majority of after hours calls for example, are routed over east typically to Brisbane or Sydney.

There are also those of us who have too worked for Telstra up until very recently.

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  ZAP_F6 said:
While I may have a biased view on this matter as I am a business owner, I can tell you my staff got an average 20% pay increase this year and we did not remove any conditions.  Staff are my most important asset, so I want to keep them.


If we are to survive as a country and have any chance of keeping people employed, we need these reforms.

While there have been very bad examples out there, the unions are doing a HUGE beatup on the whole workplace agreement agenda.  Before the changes every week in Australia an average of 11,000 people were sacked, I doubt it is any different now.  I am sure that a % of these 11,000 were very unfair, but now we have the media and unions beating up to grab headlines.

In 12 months time we will see that these changes will bring a more flexiable workforce and allow employers to offer better individual agreements.

Just a few bits of info:

You cannot be forced to sign an agreement

4% pay increase is above the CPI and many people do not get any increase.

There are more jobs than workers, so I think unskilled workers will have no problems getting a job.  That is if they could be bothered.  We should stop the dole after 6 months and then see what happens to them.

While this change may not suite everyone, I think it is the best thing for the country.

What he said :laughing::crybaby:

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  jordak said:
IR didn't just happen it was an inevitable response to what I like to call the "The era of the Do-Gooder"

The Do-Gooder is a deadly animal that spends its free time changing our way of life for what they perceive to be for our own good.

Often found sipping tea and eating scones in community halls their initial good intent eventually spirals out of control until one day the outcome of their scheming and Do Good antics backfires on us the wider public.

The workplace is just one of life’s environments that has suffered at the hands of the Do-Gooders (in this case Unions and others) and as a result requires, in certain quarters, drastic measures to bring back a sense of reality.

Being a Salaried employee for the last 20 years I have always been 1 day away from unemployment and as such have clearly understood that unless I became a "Valuable Asset" to my employer, security was just a pipe dream. This has meant having to do more than what was just required in my job description including regularly working an extra 20 hours a week without pay let alone penalty rates.

So whilst I can empathise with a minority that may be raped and pillaged at the hands of their unscrupulous employers under IR, all in all I say welcome to the real world and if you want someone to winge to go seek out your local Do-Gooder or Union Rep. Or better still, as others have said, do what you have to, to become a more valuable asset to your current or future employer.

well said

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