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Workplace Bargaining Agreements


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Been offered 12.5% increase today, have been working 50-65 hours a week on a flat rate, now will be 38 hours max on my new higher flat rate, with penalty rates to kick in from then. Should make me a bit more take home $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I guess. Will give my boys in da big house more tax bucks to play with, have been cumtenplating maybe super payment increase, but will wait till offer is formalised and signed before I get to worried about it.

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Been offered 12.5% increase today, have been working 50-65 hours a week on a flat rate, now will be 38 hours max on my new higher flat rate, with penalty rates to kick in from then. Should make me a bit more take home $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I guess. Will give my boys in da big house more tax bucks to play with, have been cumtenplating maybe super payment increase, but will wait till offer is formalised and signed before I get to worried about it.

Good stuff Scotty :spoton: .......you capitalistic pig :laughing:

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Sorry....should have added that relocation was to a capital city on 1st year apprentice chef wages clearing around $170.00 a week.  When there's a will there's a way - might just have to compromise that's all :laughing:

I could always live with you until I find a place Trent? :sick:

Cheers Mate :spoton:

Lumpy :pinch:

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  • Sucker
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Sorry....should have added that relocation was to a capital city on 1st year apprentice chef wages clearing around $170.00 a week.  When there's a will there's a way - might just have to compromise that's all :laughing:

I could always live with you until I find a place Trent? :nono:

Cheers Mate :spoton:

Lumpy :sick:


I never mentioned me comprimising for someone else's benefit :pinch:

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So instead of me moving 600km to get a decent job I should have stayed put and moaned? :pinch:

Even IF I wanted to move to some polluted sh*thole where I would be in constant contact with more humans than I could stand there is still the small matter of Rent, Bond, Removal sh*t etc to overcome, the welfare system may be a huge 'blight' upon the taxpayer but individually it's f*ck all :spoton:

Lumpy :laughing:

im sorry buddy but if you want something in life

1. it never comes easy

2. there is always a compromise

3. there is always going to be people you dont like dealing with and things you dont like doing.

Its all about making the best of the situation at hand and if you dont like the situation work your hardest to change that, no matter what needs to be done.

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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I never mentioned me comprimising for someone else's benefit :spoton:

Cute...He forgets I know where he lives :pinch:

It's ok Trent. I dont snore :laughing:

Lumpy :sick:

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Gunna have to rename this thread 'Let's get Lumpy employed....'

That or I split it and reduce it to the 2-3 posts ON topic.... :laughing:

Union meeting Friday.

Never been much of a union bloke myself, but there not giving much choice in the matter.....

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Gunna have to rename this thread 'Let's get Lumpy employed....'

That or I split it and reduce it to the 2-3 posts ON topic.... :spoton:

Union meeting Friday.

Never been much of a union bloke myself, but there not giving much choice in the matter.....

Sorry Dags. :pinch: Just remember:





Lumpy :laughing:

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Thanks guys

yer jetute my son was thinking about tiling and also fiter in turner

as you guys have said and I have told my son if you wont $$ in trade

then it gonig to be hard work and not as easy as most people think

he currently in year 11 doing ok in school but he is more of a hands on

person which is why he is thinking of gonig down the path of  apprentships.


There is a very simple solution. well here in queensland at least. I have previously worked in voc Ed.

High school students can participate in a School Based Traineeship, which takes them out of the school one or 2 days per week. My 2nd son is currently doing a Spray Painter traineeship, one day per week, all course costs are paid for, He does one less subject per week. He is paid for this days work/traineeship. The 2 year traineeship which can be completed earliar if so desired, is credited toward a fully fledged apprenticeship.

There are many trades and categories for these traineeships

Your son can enquire with the guidance officer at the school, There are benefits for both the trainee and the employer



I can highly recomend going down this path. I did one of these traineeships the first year they became avalible when I was in year 12. As said you do one less subject and 2 days a week with your employer. As I still wanted to keep my uni option open I chose to do one day at work during the week and one on the weekend to give me the extra day at school. I managed to get a high enough enter score off 4 subjects to get me into what I wanted at uni as well as completing the traineeship.

My only advise is if you are looking to go down this path would be to do a year 12 subject in year 11 so when you dropp one subject to do the traineeship in year 12 your enter score will still be calculated using 5 subjects.

As far as what the best trades are I have a mate who is a refridgeration mechanic in Melbourne and he makes 110 - 130k a year as an employee depending on how much OT he does and how offten he is on call. If he took all the OT avaliable to him he says he would be up around 150k.

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