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Workplace Bargaining Agreements


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  SHOCKXR6T said:
My opinion is if you are worth your chop you will get paid what "you" want. Bad luck if you are unskilled, you should have done the work earlier on in life instead of pissn and drugn through your teens.

I managed to get all of it done....and still have a few braincells left(only a couple Tab)

My 2 cents

Capitalist Johno

I aint paying you 2 cents for that worthless piece of information

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  tab said:
  Black ThundeR said:
Hey guys

just going of track alil bit if it not a prob, my son is 17 at the moment

and is intrested in doing a trade but is abit confuse about

what he really wants to do I was wondernig if you guys had

any ideas in what jobs he should look at and what pay rate should be getting.

and my self which iam machine opertor for PBR and earning 1k a week

but I really dont no were or what to reckomand for my son

if you guys could give him a few ideas that would be great

Carlos.. :spoton:

It all depends on what he likes doing - but as far as the best money a trade in the mines would have to be the best option. :blaah:

For once I agree with Tab, also electrical trade are good payers and are easier to set up for your own business. As for Boilermaker or welder or machinist you need large $ to get a business going but are great for site work $ when you are looking for wages or as a contractor.

If I had my time over it would be an electrician not toolmaker

This all depends on his grades mate and how clever he is as well maybe the armed services and get his sh*t sorted at an early age......

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  Lumpen Proletariat said:
  SHOCKXR6T said:
Last time I checked it was the lowest unemployment level for quite some time...workers have the power in my game.

If you are looking for work, you are not counted on the unemployment figures. False - as long as you are actively looking for a job (reading the classifieds, sending off applications, going to interviews) you are classed as unemployed. You only drop out of the figures when you give up looking.

If you WANT work, you are not counted on the unemployment figures. False (see above)

If you work one hour a week, you are not counted on the unemployment figures. True

If you are disabled or a pensioner (of any form), you are not counted on the unemployment figures. True, if you are unable to physically work.

If you pay any attention to any government figure, you are not a smart person.


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  BAturb said:
for those "gods" who own their own buisness, how would you feel if your kids came home with a ridiculous contract they must sign before they get employment, something along the lines of, we may call you in for work whenever we feel it and will pay you at a single rate, no matter what day or time of day, you will be required to supply your own uniform etc.,

Sure you could tell your kids to not sign but what if the way AWA"s are being pushed where ever you look for work you will have to sign an agreement, what hope do people have then? all start our own buisness, that would only push prices of contracts down further and ruin the ecomomy, it just wouldnt work

take the work, better than living at home at drinking my beer and watching my porn. Mate I have washed dishes, waitered bounced barman loaded trucks drove forklifts dug holes brickies labourer just to put myself thru uni, so dont start crying to me how hard we are all done by, U CANT START AT THE TOP. I have in the past looked for apprentices but got responses from dickheads (and dickhead parents) and demi gods who think that hard work is below them. so I have f*ckall sympathy for people today. For too long we have had it too good in australia, its about time we start earning/paying our way, if I had my way the dole would be stopped tomorrow, everyone would get food stamps and vouchers,go to any low income area's local pub on any work day and see how many poor hard done by workers are there feeding the pokies. I have never been out of work but my attitude is that im here to work and do the best I possibly can, ive seen too many clock watchers over the years and THEY are the blame for these IR laws not employers. Every one likes to sh*t can the teachers because of the working hours and hollidays, if its so good go to uni part time and do teaching ffs. There is alot more bad employees out there than there are bad bosses. The incorrect assumption that u make is that all awa's are bad, not the case. Every job that is done in the building industry is supposed to have an awa signed its just we call them contracts, so this aint new. I say to you, have you ever employed workers? because if you havent, you have no clue the ways we have been compleatly f*cked over in the past, and I will finish on this, my bussiness is only as good as my workers ,they are my best asset and I will do nothing to jeapodise that asset.

Edited by turtle33
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Thanks guys

yer jetute my son was thinking about tiling and also fiter in turner

as you guys have said and I have told my son if you wont $$ in trade

then it gonig to be hard work and not as easy as most people think

he currently in year 11 doing ok in school but he is more of a hands on

person which is why he is thinking of gonig down the path of apprentships.


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  Black ThundeR said:
Thanks guys

yer jetute my son was thinking about tiling and also fiter in turner

as you guys have said and I have told my son if you wont $$ in trade

then it gonig to be hard work and not as easy as most people think

he currently in year 11 doing ok in school but he is more of a hands on

person which is why he is thinking of gonig down the path of  apprentships.


I have a business degree from university but yet I run a painting business :pinch: so I can understand that although you are good at school, you can still choose to do hands on work as your more of a hands on person :spoton: There are many opportunities in life, but you need to make them yourself :spoton:

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  TBO240 said:
  SHOCKXR6T said:
My opinion is if you are worth your chop you will get paid what "you" want. Bad luck if you are unskilled, you should have done the work earlier on in life instead of pissn and drugn through your teens.

I managed to get all of it done....and still have a few braincells left(only a couple Tab)

My 2 cents

Capitalist Johno

I aint paying you 2 cents for that worthless piece of information

Wasnt too hard to work out I thought, maybe its harder for you personally. Nice opinion on the matter by the way.....oh fuch you havent got one

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  tab said:
Is the sky falling? :nono:

Lighten up pissy pants. It's not like I agreed with you or anything :thumbsup:

Lumpy :fool:

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  Lumpen Proletariat said:
  tab said:
Is the sky falling? :spoton:

Lighten up pissy pants. It's not like I agreed with you or anything :thumbsup:

Lumpy :fool:

I'd be looking for snow in satan's house if that was the case :nono:

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